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Reso 2020-057 CSA Rinco Cons and SWCA Enviro
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2020-057 CSA Rinco Cons and SWCA Enviro
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Last modified
6/22/2020 12:19:18 PM
Creation date
6/22/2020 12:09:47 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />At such time when the consultant's services are required, the City of San Leandro will forward a request for <br />services, including a project description, any pertinent supporting information and technical studies, and <br />copies of the proposed application [when available]. The consultant may be requested to provide additional <br />services such as the preparation of supporting technical reports and studies for the project application or a <br />peer review of applicant -submitted materials. The consultant will evaluate the proposal and in turn provide <br />a Scope of Work and Cost Estimate for services. <br />Upon issuance of a Notice to Proceed, City staff will provide the consultant with the documentation <br />necessary to complete the work. Supporting documents such as site plans, traffic studies, or other technical <br />reports may be provided to the consultant in either print or electronic form. The consultant will work with <br />staff and project applicants to gather the necessary information to ensure the final product adequately <br />analyzes project impacts. <br />The consultant will be requested to complete an Initial Study and any subsequent necessary environmental <br />assessment, such as a Negative Declaration, Mitigated Negative Declaration, Environmental Impact <br />Report. The consultant will be responsible for incorporating any public or agency comments regarding the <br />potential impacts on the natural and built environments, and analyze ways in which any significant <br />effects/impacts of the project might be avoided or mitigated, as required by the California Environmental <br />Quality Act. <br />Consultant may also be requested to provide contract planning services. Services may include the <br />processing and review of current or long-range planning projects on an as -needed basis, including the <br />preparation of staff reports, conditions of approval, and draft resolutions. Services may require attendance <br />at scheduled public hearings and during regular office hours at pre -assigned times and dates. <br />
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