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C,IS/CADID Specialist II $125 <br />GISfCADID Specialist 1 $112 <br />Technical Editor $112 <br />Production Specialist $SE <br />Clerical $75 <br />OF rvfcciwalcinzifiotion indudes: emiranmentalsaentists, urban phm rs hiologists, geologists, marine scientists, GFIG avifiem <br />su=imbilityeKper3.cultural resources rpers and other professional& Expert witness rvicc consisting ofdepositionsorin rt <br />testimony are charged 7t the hourly rate aP 5350 <br />5.3 Reimbursable Expenses <br />Photocopies —Black and White X0.20 {single sided), SOL35 (double -sided) <br />Photocopies —Color $1.50 {single sided), $3.20 (double -sided) <br />Photocopies —11 x 17 $0.50 { Wj, 53.20 (color) <br />Oversized Maps $S.Oo/square foot <br />Digital Production $15.00 (CD) and $20.00 (flash drive) <br />Light -Duty and Passenger Vehicles* $85.00/day <br />4WD and Off -Road Vehicles* $135A0Jday <br />' $0.65fnde far rn ileage over 50 and far all miles incurred in emplwee-awned vehides <br />Other Direct Costs associated with the execution of a projectr that are not included in the hourly rates above, are <br />billed at cost plus 15%. These may include, but are not limited for laboratory and drilling!Pervioes, subcontractor <br />cervi€esr authorized travel expenses, permit charges and filing fees, mailings and postage, perharman€e bondsr <br />sa m p le handl ing and shipment, rental equipment a nd vehicles other than covered by the above cha rges. <br />Annual Escalation. Standard rates subject to annual escalation <br />Payment Terms. All fees will be bil led to Cl ient monthly a nd sha 11 be due and payable u pan receipt_ I nvnices a re <br />delinquent if not paid within ten I10} days from receipt_ <br />