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providers and housing developers, businesses, law enforcement, housing authorities, and faith -based <br />organizations. <br />The original vision for the Everyone Home Plan was a comprehensive region -wide solution to end <br />homelessness by 2020. The 2018 update identified extenuating circumstances that required a revisit of <br />the Plan including shortages of affordable housing, gentrification, disparities in opportunities for all with <br />regard to income, deinstitutionalization, and an inadequate social safety net are among many of the <br />factors contributing to the recent increases in homelessness. Everyone Home partners are working on <br />five core strategies: <br />1) Prevent homelessness and other housing crises; 2) Increase housing opportunities for homeless and <br />extremely low-income households; 3) Deliver flexible services to support stability and independence; 4) <br />Measure success and report outcomes; and 5)Develop long-term leadership and build political will. <br />The City of San Leandro will continue to provide pro-rata funding in supporting the administration and <br />implementation of the Everyone Home Plan. <br />Describe consultation with the Continuum(s) of Care that serves the jurisdiction's area in <br />determining how to allocate ESG funds, develop performance standards and evaluate <br />outcomes, and develop funding, policies and procedures for the administration of HMIS <br />Alameda County Housing and Community Development Department through HMIS and leadership of <br />the Everyone Home Performance Management Committee is supportive of the Everyone Home <br />initiative to establish system wide outcomes and to evaluate effectiveness of programs against those <br />outcomes. These outcomes include shortening the period of time being homeless and reducing the <br />recidivism rates for homeless people. <br />Consultation with Everyone Home, the Alameda Countywide Continuum of Care, on the use of <br />Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds, began early in 2012, when representatives from the City of <br />Berkeley, the City of Oakland, Alameda County Housing and Community Development Department <br />(Urban County grantee), and the Executive Director of Everyone Home worked together to implement <br />the new ESG requirements in a way that would be consistent county -wide and would continue a <br />collaboration which began in 2009 with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) <br />Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re -housing (HPRP) funds. This collaboration resulted in the <br />creation of the Priority Home Partnership (PHP), which was a county -wide program to implement HPRP. <br />In order to learn from the best practices established by PHP, the group agreed to meet regularly to <br />prepare for the submission of this Substantial Amendment and to coordinate around the use of future <br />ESG funding via regular meetings and discussions with Everyone Home. Subsequent to those calls, on <br />March 1, 2012, EveryOne Home held a community -wide meeting at which additional consultation and <br />public input into the use of ESG funds was solicited. A series of meetings with Everyone Home and the <br />ESG grantees continued through the year and a coordinated ESG program was established and began <br />Consolidated Plan SAN LEANDRO 9 <br />OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) <br />