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File Number: 20-283 <br />BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS <br />Both of these CDBG agreements are part of the CDBG public services budget that were <br />approved by the City Council as part of the FY 2019-2020 HUD Annual Action Plan Amendment <br />adopted by the City Council on June 15, 2020. Below are descriptions of the proposed activities <br />by SOS/Meals on Wheels and Centro Legal de la Raza. <br />1) SOS/Meals on Wheels - Meal Delivery to Homebound Seniors - $44,000 <br />a.Additional $15,000 in CDBG funding (from the original $29,000 awarded at the start <br />of FY2019-2020) to address unanticipated costs due to provision of support <br />services to low income seniors needing hot meal delivery in response to COVID-19 <br />shelter in place orders. <br />2) Centro Legal de la Raza - Rental Assistance Program - $451,972 <br />a.Provide rental assistance to promote housing stability and to prevent homelessness <br />for lower income renters seeking rent relief due to impacts from COVID-19. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />Current City Council policy is defined by the FY 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan and the FY <br />2019-2020 Annual Action Plan both Amended by Resolution No. 2020-055 on June 15, 2020. <br />Previous Actions <br />HUD Five Year Consolidated Plan for 2015-2020: This five year plan was adopted by Resolution <br />No. 2015-080 on April 20, 2015 and amended by Resolution No. 2020-055 on June 15, 2020. <br />One of the priorities identified in the Five-year Consolidated Plan document for Community <br />Development Block Grant (CDBG) expenditures is “Community Development Needs - Public <br />Services.” HUD requests that cities identify specific action areas where CDBG funds can be <br />spent. The City proposed to provide operational grant support to non-profit social service <br />providers serving San Leandro residents <br />HUD FY 2019-2020 Annual Action Plan: The original Annual Action Plan document was adopted <br />on May 6, 2019. In response to the COVID-19 Pandemic and the federal CARES Act legislation <br />signed into law on March 27, 2020, this annual plan was amended by Resolution No. 2020-055 <br />on June 15, 2020 by the City Council to provide stimulus funds to community services <br />organizations in response to impacts affecting specific vulnerable populations - homebound <br />seniors and lower income renters -- caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. <br />Environmental Review <br />By July 1, 2020 National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) environmental reviews of each <br />project will be completed prior to contract execution. <br />Board/Commission Review and Actions <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/1/2020 <br />325