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5A Public Hearings 2020 0720
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Packet 2020 0720
5A Public Hearings 2020 0720
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2020-086 PLHA Grant and standard Agreement
\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2020
Reso 2020-087 302C4 Plan for Perm Local Housing
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Community Development Department | Housing Division <br />Permanent Local Housing Allocation <br />302(c)(4) Plan <br />Page 2 of 3 <br /> <br />1. Describe the manner in which allocated funds will be used for Eligible <br />Activities 1: <br /> <br />The City of San Leandro ("City") will establish a program to to use PLHA funds for the <br />predevelopment, development, acquisition, rehabilitation, and/or preservation of multi-family, <br />residential live-work, rental housing that is Affordable to Extremely low-, Very low-, Low-, or <br />Moderate-income households, including necessary Operating subsidies. The City will allocate PLHA <br />funds to multi-family rental housing either for new developments or preservation. For preservation <br />projects, the City will prioritize existing, unregulated affordable housing or regulated affordable <br />housing developments with expiring regulatory agreements i.e. properties that are at-risk of being <br />lost from the affordable housing supply. <br /> <br />2. Provide a description of the way the City of San Leandro will prioritize <br />investments that increase the supply of housing for households with incomes <br />at or below 60% of the Area Median Income (AMI). <br /> <br />In FY 2020-2021 the City will circulate an RFQ to solicit non-profit affordable housing <br />developers with an established track record of successful development of similar types of affordable <br />housing that it proposes to build using PLHA funds. In June 2016, Alameda County citizens passed <br />a General Obligation Bond Measure A-1 to increase affordable housing county-wide. The non-profit <br />affordable housing developer must propose a development that is consistent with the guiding <br />principles set-forth by Alameda County Measure A-1 Rental Housing Development Fund: <br />1) Maximize leverage and produce the largest number of units possible; <br />2) Select feasible projects that can compete well for State/Federal financing; <br />3) Fund projects at a level to ensure viability for the life of the regulatory period; <br />4) Use Measure A-1 and PLHA funds to fill a gap and not supplant other affordable housing <br />development funding available to the project. <br /> <br />3. Provide a description of how the Plan is consistent with the programs set <br />forth in the City of San Leandro’s Housing Element. <br /> <br />The following sections of the City of San Leandro's Housing Element demonstrate that this <br />302(c)(4) Plan is consistent with the overall goals to increase the number and quality of affordable <br />housing in the jurisdiction: <br /> <br />1 See Section 301 of the Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program, Final Guidelines at the California <br />Department of Housing and Community Development website: <br />funding/docs/PLHA-Final-Guidelines-11-19.pdf <br />40
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