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File Number: 20-326 <br />bond funds allocated to the City. Selected nonprofit developer(s) will be asked to <br />leverage PHLA and City affordable housing funds to obtain financing from other regional, <br />State, federal and private sources. The City will reserve the right to use the 5% of its total <br />PLHA allocation for eligible administrative costs. <br />Alameda County A-1 Bond Funding <br />In November 2016, Alameda County residents passed the $580 million County A-1 Bond <br />Measure to increase affordable housing county-wide. The County allocated pro-rated portions or <br />“Base City Allocations” of the bond to local jurisdictions. Eligible affordable rental housing <br />activities include new construction, acquisition, and acquisition/rehabilitation for a wide range of <br />target populations including seniors, homeless person, persons with disabilities and families. <br />Emergency and transitional housing is also an eligible activity, but County A-1 may not be used to <br />fund related supportive services. The City was allocated $11.9 million in County A-1 Housing <br />Bond proceeds. In March 2017, the City awarded $1.7 million to BRIDGE Housing Corporation <br />for the 85-unit La Vereda senior affordable rental housing adjacent to the 115-unit Marea Alta to <br />fill an emergency funding gap. In 2018, the City awarded to Eden Housing, Inc., $4 million of its <br />County A-1 bond proceeds for the Parrott Street Apartments, which will primarily serve lower <br />income veterans and persons with disabilities. The County also received approximately $1.2 <br />million from the City’s share for pro rata County bond issuance fees. The City’s remaining County <br />A-1 allocation balance is approximately $5 million. Alameda County cities such as San Leandro <br />need to commit their shares of A-1 funds by December 31, 2021. <br />The draft Five-Year Plan has been available for public comment since July 3, 2020 when the City <br />published a Public Notice in the East Bay Daily Review seeking public comment on the draft <br />document. Staff notified the Housing Division’s interested parties email list. Additionally, the draft <br />Five-Year Plan has been available for public review on the City's website and a new portal on the <br />City’s library website for public review documents. As of the publishing of this staff report, there <br />have been no public comments received on either of these documents. <br />Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution acknowledging the review and <br />approving the contents of the Five-Year Plan because it is a required element of the application <br />for the allocation the CA HCD funds. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />Current City Council Policy is defined by the FY 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan, adopted by <br />Resolution No. 2020-056 at the June 15, 2020 City Council meeting. Specifically, identifying <br />Affordable Housing as a Priority Need in the City of San Leandro. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />The Five-Year Plan addresses the following sections of the City of San Leandro's General Plan <br />Housing Element and is consistent with the overall goals to increase the number and quality of <br />affordable housing in San Leandro: Action 53.03 - City will actively pursue and leverage public <br />funds to facilitate the development of housing affordable to lower and moderate income <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/15/2020 <br />31