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File Number: 20-300 <br />vehicle safety, including a greater focus on traffic law and speed enforcement. <br />Environmental Review <br />The City will perform CEQA review if necessary. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The total project cost for this local road safety plan project is $88,000. State reimbursable funds <br />amount to $72,000. The City will provide matching funds in the amount of $8,000 and an <br />additional $8,000 for staff cost and potential amendments, both of which will be paid from the <br />Development Fees for Street Improvements (DFSI) Fund. <br />Budget Authority <br />If the City of San Leandro City Council approves the appropriations recommended by staff for the <br />local road safety plan project, then grant funds of $72,000 will be appropriated to account <br />150-38-419-5240- to cover reimbursable expenditures for Fiscal Year 2020-21. Also, <br />Development Fees for Street Improvements (DFSI) fund balance reserves will be used to <br />appropriate $16,000 to account 120-38-419-5240 for Fiscal Year 2020-21 for the City’s local <br />match, staff cost and potential amendments. Total appropriations for this project are $88,000. <br />ATTACHMENT to Related Legislative File <br />·Program Supplement Agreement No. U30 <br />PREPARED BY: Dean Hsiao, Traffic Operations Engineer, Engineering and Transportation <br />Department <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/15/2020 <br />178