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8E Consent 2020 0720
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Packet 2020 0720
8E Consent 2020 0720
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7/27/2020 10:03:44 AM
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7/15/2020 12:36:25 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2020-093 Contract Change Order Cap to 20%
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File Number: 20-320 <br />for overlay were the worst streets that could be preserved utilizing overlays. The streets selected <br />for rehabilitation were the worst streets within the City. When selecting streets, priority was given <br />to streets that carry more vehicles and streets that are on a bike route. This contract also <br />constructed approximately 77 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ramp upgrades that are <br />adjacent to and required by the street work. Additionally, this contract constructed point repairs to <br />the sanitary sewer collection system that were identified during or precipitated by the project. <br />Work on Washington Avenue between Anza Way and I-880 that was included in the project will be <br />removed from this contract and placed in the upcoming contract for the Annual Street <br />Overlay/Rehab 2018-2020 project , which is scheduled to start in August 2020 because of delays <br />in obtaining permits from Caltrans for work near I-880 . <br />Analysis <br />The construction of the project is nearing completion. However, the current change orders are <br />approaching the existing contract change order cap approved with the award of the project. <br />Authorizing an increase in the change order cap from 13% to 20% or $1,321,300 to $2,032,769, <br />an increase of $711,469, will enable staff to complete the project without delay. <br />Several items of work, including replacing driveway approaches, installing a new sanitary sewer <br />main, repairing a sinkhole, and building a concrete half roundabout at the west end of West <br />Broadmoor Boulevard were added to the contract in order to respond to urgent needs, resident <br />requests, and City Council requests. These additive change orders total $668,723 or 6.6% of the <br />contract. Routine change orders to respond to unforeseen conditions and to construct the work <br />as originally envisioned total $968,177 or 9.5% of the contract. Change order requests to date <br />for this contract are summarized in the fiscal impact section below. <br />Authorizing an increase in the change order cap will allow staff to provide payment to the <br />contractor for the increases in scope under the current contract. An increase of 3.1% ($315,000) <br />to the existing contract change order cap is necessary to cover the costs of the extra work <br />identified to date. An additional authorization of 4.9% is requested to cover future unforeseen <br />costs, including potential and alleged delay costs not yet resolved with the contractor. <br />An appropriation of $364,960 is requested to cover the potential cost of the project. <br />Appropriating these funds from the Measure B Local Streets and Roads fund balance will help the <br />City meet the Alameda County Transportation Commission timely use of funds policy. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure. <br />Previous Actions <br />·On July 17, 2017, by Resolution No. 2017-108, the City Council approved a contract with NCE <br />to design the subject project for $700,000. <br />·On July 16, 2018, by Resolution No. 2018-081, the City Council awarded a construction <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/15/2020 <br />185
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