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File Number: 20-277 <br />to retain Mr. Sams’ services, because existing City staff do not have golf course <br />operations/management expertise. <br />With the recent change from a golf lease agreement to a management agreement, the City <br />anticipates it will have a more active role in the golf operations. This includes annual development <br />(in conjunction with AGC) and monthly oversight of the golf courses’ Annual Plan (budget), <br />development of the next 5-year golf CIP projects list, ensuring that the City’s best interests are <br />represented within the context of golf course operations, and providing general direction to AGC <br />on all golf-related matters. It is recognized that the golf consultant will also be relied on by City <br />staff to provide technical comments on the proposed reconstruction of the Marina Course at such <br />time as work is proposed by the Shoreline developer. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />This agreement will cost $48,000 annually. This requires increasing the FY 2021 Budget by <br />$24,000 and will be funded by transferring an appropriation from the Shoreline/Golf undesignated <br />fund balance to Account 597-56-001. There is sufficient fund balance to fund the appropriation of <br />$24,000 into Account 597-56-001. It is noted that since David Sams started consulting for the <br />City in 2009 and through the end of FY 2020, the annual charge to the City of $24,000 for his <br />consulting services remained flat with no requested increases in 11 years. <br />ATTACHMENT <br />Attachment(s) to Staff Report <br />·Non-Professional Services Agreement with David Sams <br />PREPARED BY: Debbie Pollart, Director, Public Works Department <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/15/2020 <br />192