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documents as COUNTY may require to carry out eligible housing activities or meet Federal <br />requirements. All information shall be submitted on forms prescribed by COUNTY. In addition, <br />CITY agrees to make available upon request all records concerning the activities carried out under <br />this agreement for inspection by COUNTY or Federal officials during regular business hours. <br /> <br />12. Pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, CITY shall defend, indemnify, and hold <br />harmless COUNTY, its officers, employees, and agents from all claims, suits, actions or losses of <br />any type, and from liability for any fines, penalties or damages of any type, resulting from CITY'S <br />performance of this Agreement and caused by any act or omission of CITY, including failure to <br />comply with any requirement of the Act or the Program described herein, except to the extent that <br />any such claim, suits, actions, losses, or liabilities arise from any act or omission of COUNTY. <br /> <br />13. Pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, COUNTY shall defend, indemnify, and hold <br />harmless CITY, its officers, employees, and agents from all claims, suits, actions or losses of any <br />type, and from liability for any fines, penalties or damages of any type, resulting from COUNTY'S <br />performance of this Agreement and caused by any act or omission of COUNTY, including failure <br />to comply with any requirement of the Act or the Program described herein, except to the extent <br />that any such claims, suits, actions, losses, or liability arise from any act or omission of CITY. <br /> <br />14. CITY agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless all other cities participating in the <br />Alameda County HOME CONSORTIUM for CITY'S negligent acts or omissions arising from this <br />Agreement. <br /> <br />15. This Agreement shall go into effect immediately upon the signature of both parties and <br />shall continue in full force and effect until the HOME funds received during each of the federal <br />fiscal years of the qualification period (2021-2023) are expended on eligible activities or returned <br />to HUD. CITY will be included in the Consortium for a minimum of three (3) federal fiscal years, <br />specifically federal fiscal years 2021, 2022 and 2023. CONSORTIUM members, including CITY, <br />shall not withdraw from the CONSORTIUM during this period (federal fiscal years 2021-2023). <br /> <br />16. The beginning of the CONSORTIUM’s program year is July 1 and the end of the <br />CONSORTIUM’s program year is June 30. All CONSORTIUM members, including CITY, must <br />be on the same program year for CDBG, HOME, Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) and Housing <br />Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) programs. <br /> <br />17. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an <br />original, but all of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same agreement. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />354