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Wsmrwwo' <br />. <br />Community Development Department I Housing Division <br />Permanent Local Housing Allocation <br />302(c) (4) Plan <br />(Funding Allocation Years 2019-2023) <br />In September 2017, the California Legislature approved Senate Bill 2 (SB 2), known as the <br />Building Homes and Jobs Act (Act), which established a $75 recording fee on real estate documents <br />to increase the supply of affordable housing. The Act establishes the Permanent Local Housing <br />Allocation (PLEA) program administered by the California Department of Housing and <br />Community Development (HCD). The PLHA provides a permanent source of funding to cities and <br />counties to help meet the unmet need for affordable housing and increase the supply of affordable <br />housing units. The due date for the City's response the NOFA with a program application is July 27, <br />2020. <br />Under the PLHA program, funding is provided through formula grants to entitlement <br />jurisdictions such as San Leandro based on the formula prescribed under federal law for the <br />Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program over a five-year funding period. The City <br />of San Leandro is an entitlement jurisdiction and is eligible to receive an estimated $2.1 million, or <br />approximately $350,000 annually, over the five-year funding period. It is important to note that this <br />is only an estimate -- annual PLHA amounts are subject to change. <br />The State requires entitlement jurisdictions to use PLHA program funds to increase the <br />supply of affordable housing. In order to receive PLEA program funds, the City is required to <br />submit a PLEA Plan detailing the manner in which allocated funds will be used. <br />The following titles in bold are the required elements of 302(c)(4) Plan. <br />