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Community Development Department I Housing Division <br />of 5AFti <br />Permanent Local Housing Allocation o <br />302(c) (4) Plan Y <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />• Action 53.03: City will actively pursue and leverage public funds to facilitate the <br />development of housing affordable to lower and moderate income households in Sal <br />Leandro. <br />• Action 53.03-A: Applications for Grant Funding --City will pursue funding sources <br />for affordable housing construction. <br />• Action 53.03-B: Support for Non -Profit and For -Profit Affordable Housing <br />Developers --City will provide support and information to non-profit and for -profit <br />developers seeking to create affordable housing in San Leandro. <br />4. Provide a description of how allocated funds will be used for each proposed <br />Affordable Rental Housing Activity. <br />As of June 30, 2020, the City of San Leandro has an unused allocation of Alameda County <br />Measure A-1 Rental Housing Development Bond Funding in the amount of a little over $5 million. <br />The City of San Leandro will seek developers who can use at minimum 95% of the total PLHA fund <br />allocation to successfully leverage A-1 and other State/Federal affordable housing development <br />funding. The PLHA funding will be used to make a gap loan for new construction of multifamily <br />rental housing developments proposed by non-profit affordable housing developers requesting City <br />funds (such as the Housing Trust Fund) loans. <br />The City reserves the right, if needed, to use the allowed 5% of its total allocation for eligible <br />City staff administration costs. <br />5. Describe major steps/actions and a proposed schedule for the <br />implementation and completion of the Activity. <br />The City will circulate an RFQ with a response deadline of September 30, 2020 seeking <br />qualified affordable housing developers that can leverage PLHA funds to secure Alameda County <br />Measure A-1 Affordable Rental Housing Development Funds. The ultimate goal for the affordable <br />housing developer is to successfully leverage City and County funds for an affordable housing <br />development in the City of San Leandro. <br />The next Alameda County Measure A-1 Affordable Rental Housing Development Fund <br />NOFA is likely to be released in FY 20-21. This NOFA is scheduled to be released in time so that <br />non-profit affordable housing developers can access other funding available through programs such <br />as the Affordable Housing & Sustainable Communities Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funds (with an <br />anticipated NOFA in February 2021), Infill Infrastructure Grants (with an anticipated NOFA in <br />March 2021), Transit Oriented Development Grants (with an anticipated NOFA in April 2021), <br />Veterans Housing and Homeless Prevention Grants (with an anticipated NOFA in February 202a), <br />and/or Low Income Housing Tax Credits (with an anticipated NOFAs in March and July 2021). <br />