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Name <br />DisclosureDocs Ethics Ethics Training Tracking - Ethics and Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Tracking Modules <br />Subscription work hand in hand with our DisclosureDocs /eDisclosure System. This Module allows tracking <br />the Ethics Certificates and notifying Filers of their Ethics Training requirements. <br />DisclosureDocs Full Filer Review - allows the Filing Officer to perform the required tasks of verifying the accuracy of <br />Review Subscription forms and if needed requesting necessary Amendments. 20% on time and 100 % late filings. 10 <br />% needs to be picked at random. <br />DisclosureDocs Conflict of Interest Code Module - allows your departments to simplify and automate the <br />Conflict of Interest creation and collaboration of the Biennial Reviews and the Code Amendments (Exhibit A and B). <br />Subscription This process streamlines the acceptance of the Code and drastically improves the productivity <br />of the entire organization. <br />eDisclosure Contact eDisclosure TM Contact module is a web based system that engages your Filing Officials or <br />Person Subscription Contact Persons at the Department Level and provides tools for them to perform their <br />responsibilities of managing their Department. <br />