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CSA Aaron Welch
City Clerk
City Council
CSA Aaron Welch
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8/7/2020 12:27:28 PM
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7/29/2020 1:03:16 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A572BOA-3D14-4B47-B7FB-9B1FCC584CF6 <br />retail, but could also include office if desired. Test fits are anticipated to be simple <br />massing models for technical analysis, not detailed renderings for public display <br />Development standards will be confirmed and if necessary adjusted based on the <br />results of these test fits. Physical test fits will be completed by sub -consultant VMWP. <br />The anticipated VMWP staff person for this task will be John Doyle with oversight <br />from Rick Williams, but could be another key VMWP staff member. <br />4. Allowed Uses: Confirm allowed land uses, based on list of uses generated for the <br />8 <br />$1,280 <br />Bay Fair Specific Plan. This task is intended to be rapid and not require substantial <br />work, since it was largely completed during the specific plan process, and the strategy <br />is intended to be highly flexible in allowed uses across the B-TOD district. <br />5. Development Controls: Update development standards in the zoning code, focused <br />130 <br />$20,800 <br />on primary development controls such as height, setbacks, required open space, <br />facade articulation, and other existing categories in the existing zoning code, <br />particularly Article 6 Division 2. This will require a review and annotation of the Bay <br />Fair Specific Plan to identify relevant standards to populate these sections of the <br />zoning code, and then updates to the code using new numbers and standards. This <br />task is the most substantial of the project. This task assumes that more detailed <br />components of the specific plan, including development guidelines and potentially <br />some standards or requirements related to other topics such as green building, will <br />remain in the Specific Plan but not be added to the zoning code. Part of this task will <br />include identifying which design guidance from the Specific Plan should be <br />incorporated as objective development standards in the zoning code update. These <br />objective development standards are anticipated to apply to all projects within the B- <br />TOD zone, but are also particularly important for projects within 1/2 mile of BART that <br />may be subject to by -right approvals. Objective development standards in the zoning <br />code are anticipated to be drawn from or copied from the existing Specific Plan <br />material, not created independently. Alignment with any parallel citywide efforts to <br />create objective development standards will be an important consideration, but this <br />task does not include creation of citywide objective development standards. The task <br />of creating development controls may include a small contribution from a sub - <br />consultant, anticipated to be Ben Noble or another zoning specialist, for peer review <br />or other inputs. <br />This task will include the following deliverables: <br />• Administrative draft of Zoning text amendment <br />• Public review draft of Zoning text amendment (for stakeholder review) <br />• Public hearing draft of Zoning text amendment <br />6. Bay Fair Master Planning and/or Planned Development process: Find precedents for <br />24 <br />$3,840 <br />and define a process for master planning or other planned development process for <br />large Bay Fair development such as the Bay Fair Mall. It is assumed that the existing <br />Planned Development (PD) process will remain in place and be available to Bay Fair <br />projects, but there is anticipated to be an additional master planning requirement for <br />large projects. This process could defer to or augment existing city PD processes, or <br />be a unique process, depending on discussions with City staff. The type of process <br />desired will affect the amount of work required. This task may include contributions <br />from a sub -consultant for peer review or other inputs. <br />7. General Plan Land Use Updates Update the B-TOD land use classification text in the <br />24 <br />$3,840 <br />General Plan to reflect the related and final zoning code changes. <br />8. Zoning and General Plan Map update: Update the City zoning and General Plan land <br />8 <br />51,280 <br />use map to reflect the new B-TOD zone and land use category. This task assumes no <br />changes to any other areas of the map besides the Bay Fair zoning district. This task <br />could be completed in coordination with Elie Citv's in-house GIS expertise or other <br />
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