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CSA Aaron Welch
City Clerk
City Council
CSA Aaron Welch
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A572BOA-3D14-4B47-B7FB-9B1FCC584CF6 <br />map -publishing resources. Consultant will not provide GIS services for this project, <br />but will rely on in-house City resources. <br />9. CEQA Documentation. Sub -consultant Rincon will provide necessary CEQA <br />56 <br />$8,960 <br />documentation for the zoning code update and general plan amendment as necessary. <br />It is assumed that the zoning code update and general plan amendment effort will not <br />increase the growth projections already created for the Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan <br />and EIR, and will tier off of the existing, adopted CEQA document and Bay Fair TOD <br />Specific Plan. Required CEQA documentation is assumed to be an Addendum to the <br />existing Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan CEQA document. If different types of CEQA <br />analysis, new growth projections, or different documentation become required, this <br />could affect the project scope and budget. Anticipated Rincon staff would be Karly <br />Kaufman, Abe Leider, or other key Rincon staff. <br />10. Miscellaneous Services. This item serves as a contingency budget to allow for <br />13.5 <br />$2,160 <br />miscellaneous activities which may be necessary to comprehensively complete the <br />proposed scope of work above in this contract. Any work under this Item 10 will <br />require City approval prior to initiation of the work by the consultant. This may <br />include a range of efforts as feasible and as needed by the City, and as feasible by the <br />Consultant within the project, such as: <br />• Additional public outreach such as community, public and/or stakeholder <br />meetings. <br />• Long-range planning and implementation efforts related to the Bay Fair area <br />such as support for City coordination with BART to implement AB 2923 <br />around the Bay Fair BART Station <br />• Formal or informal project design review of Bay Fair development projects <br />• Additional effort approved by the City for scope tasks identified in this scope <br />of work. <br />Total <br />437.5 <br />$70,000 <br />Assumptions for these tasks are as follows: <br />• Tasks above completed by Aaron Welch would be charged at the standard billing rate of $160 per hour, but as <br />noted some tasks could be completed by sub -consultants which may change the billing rate. Regardless of <br />billing rate, work would be completed within the not -to -exceed maximum. Anticipated billing rates are shown <br />in Exhibit B. <br />• The project would be anticipated to occur during Summer 2019 through June 2020, depending on other City <br />constraints such as City Council calendar other ongoing City projects. <br />• Scoped hours not needed for one task may be used for other tasks as long as the total budget is not exceeded. <br />There are no reimbursable expenses or direct costs anticipated for this project. Reimbursable activities such <br />as printing or other production of documents or meeting materials will be completed by the City and the <br />cost will be borne by the City. <br />
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