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DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C2D3BBB-9622-434A-9243-AF02B243E3A3 <br />approval from Owner, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld. Manager acknowledges <br />that Owner approval may require review and action by Owner's governing body, the City of San <br />Leandro City Council, prior to Owner's written approval of the new Annual Plan. In the event of <br />a dispute with regard to an Annual Plan, the parties shall use good faith efforts to resolve such <br />dispute. Pending the resolution of such dispute, Manager shall continue to manage and operate <br />the Facility in accordance with the standards set forth in this Agreement and the most recent <br />approved Annual Plan, as it may have been mutually amended by the parties during the <br />preceding year in accordance with the Agreement, at a level of expenditures comparable to those <br />of the preceding year subject to reasonable increases in Operating Expenses requested by <br />Manager due to (a) increases in the number of members or guests using the Facility, (b) increases <br />in Gross Revenues, or (c) other matters beyond the reasonable control of Manager (e.g., without <br />limitation, increases in utility rates, etc.). Once approved, Manager may propose amendments or <br />revisions to the Annual Plan to take into consideration variables or events that did not exist, or <br />could not be anticipated by Manager, at the time the Annual Plan was prepared. Any such <br />proposed amendments or revisions shall be submitted in writing and shall be subject to Owner's <br />approval. <br />3.2.3 Compliance. Manager shall comply with the applicable Annual Plan. If <br />Manager anticipates that Operating Expenses will exceed amounts budgeted in the Annual Plan <br />for a given Operating Year, it shall promptly notify Owner of the same with detailed explanation <br />and amended projections for the operating year, which shall be submitted in writing and subject <br />to Owner's approval. <br />3.2.4 Emergency Expenditures. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to <br />the contrary, in the event an emergency arises by act of God or any event or act beyond the <br />control of Manager, or a dangerous condition exists that requires immediate repair, or a <br />governmental directive or order is issued to Owner, Manager is authorized to take such actions <br />as may in its reasonable discretion be required (including expending any funds reasonably <br />necessary to respond to such condition or event); provided, however, that Manager shall <br />immediately notify Owner of the emergency situation (or governmental directive or order) and <br />the action Manager proposes to take, or has taken (including the amount of any expenditures). <br />3.3 Technical Assistance Services. During the Term, Manager will provide, as <br />needed, certain supervisory and consulting services to the Facility from Manager's regional and <br />corporate technical assistance services program, including business planning and budgeting, <br />training, security, marketing and sales, central purchasing, merchandising, food and beverage, <br />maintenance, human resources, and legal compliance. Except as provided in Section 3.4 below, <br />these services will be provided by Manager without any additional charge to Owner. <br />3.4 Special Consulting Services. In addition to the services described in Section 3.3 <br />above, upon Owner's prior written request and approval, Manager may provide to the Facility <br />additional consulting services not contemplated by this Agreement which would not otherwise <br />be performed in the ordinary course of day-to-day operations of the Facility, including but not <br />Management Agreement Between June 1, 2020 <br />City of San Leandro and American Golf Corporation Page 7 of 28 <br />