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DocuSign Envelope ID: B9566915-689D-417D-A6CB-3E8D460FC7A4 <br />FLEX RIDES On Demand Eligibility: <br />• San Leandro Resident – Must live within the incorporated City limits. <br />(CITY will determine eligibility) <br />• 70 years old or older, or 18 years or older and East Bay Paratransit <br />Certified <br />B. CURRENT OPERATIONAL STATISTICS <br />Number of Registered Program Participants <br />• Approximately 235 Registered Riders <br />Service Area: <br />Alameda Dublin Newark San Lorenzo <br />Ashland Fremont Oakland San Ramon <br />Castro Valley Hayward Pleasanton Union City <br />Cherryland Livermore San Leandro <br />• 5 days per week, Monday through Friday <br />• Approximately 13 holiday (non -service) days per year <br />• Service on holidays is coordinated with CONTRACTOR in advance <br />• Actual days of operation could change based on demand <br />Hours of Operation <br />8:15 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. <br />Productivity – Average Number of Rides/Month <br />It is the goal of the program to maintain or increase the current high level of productivity for <br />the FLEX RIDES On Demand Service. <br />• Current Average # of trips/month: 305 one-way trips <br />FY 2020-2021 Estimates: <br />• 325/month <br />C. ADJUSTMENTS TO SERVICE <br />The CITY and the CONTRACTOR may develop other service components or make <br />adjustments to the service as needs are identified and as resources allow. The CITY expects to <br />work closely with the CONTRACTOR on such modifications in order to provide efficient and <br />responsive service. No operational changes that affect trip -scheduling, hours of operation, <br />response time or any other characteristic of the service can be made by the CONTRACTOR <br />without the prior written approval of the CITY. <br />IMPORTANT: FLEX is an evolving service and the CONTRACTOR must be flexible and <br />willing to problem solve to modify the service to meet demand and maximize ridership. <br />Non -Professional Services Agreement between July 1, 2020 <br />City of San Leandro and GoGo Technology, Inc.— Exhibit A Page 3 of 3 <br />