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ACFCWCD Cooperative agreement
City Clerk
City Council
ACFCWCD Cooperative agreement
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Last modified
8/7/2020 12:21:42 PM
Creation date
7/29/2020 1:23:09 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
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A4. Rock Slope Protection (Ton) <br />A5. Cement Grout (Cubic Yard) <br />A6. Temporary Fence (Lump Sum) <br />7. Upon construction completion, the City shall conduct a joint site walk-through with District <br />staff to identify punch list items, if any, related to the construction work performed. <br />8. The District has no obligation for the maintenance, performance, or operation of the Monarch <br />Bay Drive Bridge. Once the construction work is accepted by the City and the one year <br />warranty period for the new work has expired, the District will have no obligation relating to <br />the repair of the Monarch Bay Drive Bridge or the City Bridge Improvements. The City shall <br />bear full responsibility of all future maintenance and repair of the Monarch Bay Drive <br />Bridge. <br />9. The City shall grant an easement to the portion of the articulated concrete mat that will be <br />located in the City's Dredge Materials Management Site. District shall maintain the <br />articulated concrete mat and any other improvements constructed within the easement. The <br />grant of easement shall occur through a separate document. The grant of easement should be <br />completed within six (6) months of signing of this Agreement. <br />10. The City agrees to allow the District to permanently close and abandon in place the City - <br />owned drainage structure located in the south levee approximately 50 feet downstream of <br />UPRR. <br />District agrees to perform the following: <br />1. The District will prepare and submit environmental regulatory permit applications for the <br />Project and secure the necessary permits prior to beginning of construction. <br />2. The District will prepare the contract plans, specifications, and estimates for the Project, <br />excluding the City Bridge Improvements. <br />3. The District will include language in the construction contract document to require its <br />contractor and its contractor's sub-contractor(s) name City of San Leandro as an additional <br />insured, with all endorsements for all insurance coverages required by District in its contract <br />with the general contractor. <br />4. The District will be responsible for the advertisement of the Project for bids, evaluation of <br />bid results, award of a construction contract to the lowest responsible responsive bidder, <br />surveying, construction testing, and inspection, and other contract administration. The City <br />recognizes that the progress of the Project may be delayed as a result of unreasonably high or <br />unacceptable bids. The District will inform the City of any decision to reject all bids and re - <br />advertise the project at a later date deemed reasonable to the District. The City shall not lay <br />claim against the District if the Project schedule is delayed. <br />5. The District shall fund the construction costs for the District portion of the Project which <br />includes the tidegate structure reconstruction, south levee lowering, and closure of City's <br />drainage structure downstream of UPRR. <br />6. The District's contractor will apply for a City encroachment permit for traffic control for the <br />construction of the Monarch Bay Drive Bridge south abutment embankment repair, if <br />required by the City. <br />2 of 3 <br />
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