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ACFCWCD Cooperative agreement
City Clerk
City Council
ACFCWCD Cooperative agreement
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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Cooperative Agreement — Estudillo Canal <br />Agreement, may be made by and between City and District in writing between the City <br />Manager or his designee, and the Director of Public Works . Such interpretations shall be <br />deemed incorporated herein and where applicable, be deemed of equal force and effect with <br />any of the terms and conditions contained herein, unless the amendment requires an additional <br />expenditure of funds by either party or changes a substantive term of the Agreement. <br />F. Conformity with Law and Safety <br />District and City shall each observe and comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, codes <br />and regulations of governmental agencies, including federal, state, municipal and local <br />governing bodies having jurisdiction over the scope of services or any part hereof, including <br />all provisions of the California Occupational Safety and Health Act, and all federal, state, <br />municipal and local safety regulations. Performance by each party to this Agreement must be <br />in accordance with all laws, ordinances, codes, and regulations. <br />G. Term of Agreement <br />The parties to this Agreement agree to work together in the spirit of cooperation and good faith <br />and shall use reasonable efforts to accomplish the particular obligations set forth herein. <br />Whenever mutual agreement is provided for in this Agreement, no party shall unreasonably <br />withhold its approval. <br />In the event of any disagreement concerning the interpretation or implementation of this <br />Agreement, the parties shall make good faith efforts to resolve their differences amongst the <br />parties' principals first. If such efforts fail, then the parties agree to utilize a mutually agreed- <br />upon form of alternative dispute resolution, with costs to be borne equally by the parties. Each <br />party shall bear its own attorneys' fees and costs. <br />This Agreement shall terminate when the City and District have accepted the Project as <br />complete and the City has granted an easement to the District, described in Exhibit B, and that <br />easement has been recorded, provided, however, that the obligations of this Agreement, which <br />by their nature would continue beyond the termination or expiration of the Agreement, <br />including without limitation, the obligations regarding Indemnification (Section C) and <br />Conformity With Law and Safety (Section E), shall survive termination or expiration. <br />H. Insurance/Self Insurance <br />District and City shall procure and maintain liability insurance limits of at least $2,000,000 <br />against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property that may arise from or in <br />connection with any activities by its agents, representatives, employees, or contractors <br />associated with this agreement. District and City may satisfy the coverage required in whole <br />or in part through participation in a self-insurance program or insurance pooling arrangement, <br />or any combination of these. No policies or bonds are required of either party as to any <br />provisions of this Agreement. <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />
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