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Exhibit C - Project Implementation <br />City agrees to perform the following: <br />1. Subject to the City Council's approval when applicable, the City shall secure and budget <br />necessary funds in the City's Fiscal Year 2020/21 Budget to reimburse the District for all <br />actual costs involved in the construction of the City Bridge Improvements. For planning <br />purposes only, it is noted that the total estimated construction cost provided by the City is <br />$173,725. Subject to the City Council's approval when applicable, the City will also <br />adequately budget to fund contingencies and unforeseen construction changes. <br />2. The City shall facilitate the issuance of an encroachment permit for traffic control/lane <br />closure purposes, if needed. The City shall waive all encroachment permit fees and <br />inspection fees. <br />3. The City shall be fully responsible in funding all costs associated with the design and <br />construction for the City Bridge hnprovements. The City shall prepare the final design <br />documents, contract plans and specifications, and Engineer's Estimate, and provide such <br />documents to the District for incorporation into District's construction documents prior to <br />Project advertisement. The final City plans shall be signed and stamped by a California <br />registered civil engineer. <br />4. The City shall review all submittals by the District's Contractor within ten (10) Working <br />Days upon receipt, including shop drawings and calculations associated with the City's <br />Bridge Improvements. The City shall not lay any claim against the District in the event of <br />structural failure of the City Bridge Improvements as approved by the City. The District shall <br />not be responsible for any costs associated with the City Bridge Improvements, including, <br />but not limited to, structural failure, construction delays and costs arising from any dispute <br />with the Contractor, except to the extent those costs are attributable to District's sole <br />negligence or willful misconduct. <br />5. Bid items associated with the City Bridge Improvements will be included as additive bid <br />items in the District's Project bid solicitation. Upon bid opening, the City shall review the <br />lowest responsive responsible bidder's bid and will inform District in writing whether the <br />City will accept the bid amounts associated with the City Bridge Improvements within three <br />(3) working days of bid opening. If the City does not accept the bid amounts for the City <br />Bridge Improvements bid items, those bid items will not be -included for award. If City does <br />not accept the City Bridge Improvements bid item amounts, District shall not be responsible <br />for and shall have no obligation to re -advertise the City Bridge Improvements. <br />6. If the City accepts the City Bridge Improvement amounts listed by the low bidder, the City <br />shall fund the actual construction cost, based on the final progress payment to the Contractor <br />for the City's additive bid items, including any Construction Change Order(s) associated with <br />the construction of the City Bridge Improvements approved by the City. The District will <br />submit an invoice with supporting documentation requesting reimbursement to the District. <br />The City shall reimburse ' the District within 45 calendar days upon receipt of the invoice. <br />City's additive bid items could include the following: <br />Al. Sediment Curtain (Lump Sum) <br />A2. Removal and Disposal of Concrete Rubbles (Cubic Yard) <br />A3. Earthwork (Lump Sum) <br />1 of 3 <br />