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5A Public Hearings 2020 0921
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Packet 2020 0921
5A Public Hearings 2020 0921
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Reso 2020-119 1388 Bancroft Apartments MND MMRP
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Reso 2020-120 1388 Bancroft Apartments PD and Site Plan
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File Number: 20-311 <br />A.Adopt a Resolution approving the Initial Study - Mitigated Negative Declaration and <br />Mitigation Monitoring Program for the 1388 Bancroft project; <br />B.Adopt a Resolution approving a Planned Development and Site Plan Review for the 1388 <br />Bancroft project based on the attached Findings of Fact and subject to the recommended <br />Conditions of Approval. <br />C. Adopt an Ordinance rezoning the subject property, 1388 Bancroft, from Professional <br />Office (P) to Professional Office, Planned Development Overlay, P (PD). <br />BACKGROUND <br />The subject property is a 1.27 acre site developed in 1955 with two medical office buildings. The <br />larger building on the north half is approximately 18,000 square feet and the smaller one to the <br />south is approximately 4,000 square feet. The buildings’ tenants currently comprise various <br />medical, professional and personal services businesses. <br />The Planning Commission initially considered an application for this site at its November 16, <br />2017 regular meeting. The applicant’s original proposal was to construct a four-story, multi-family <br />residential building comprising 73 units (PLN17-0021). In that instance, staff recommended a <br />denial. The 2017 hearing generated significant public comment and was continued to the <br />following month. Prior to the subsequent continued hearing, the applicant withdrew the application <br />in order to revise the project. <br />On June 14, 2018, the applicant resubmitted a new project application reflecting a one-year effort <br />to reduce the scale of the project and address concerns with the prior application. That proposal, <br />consisting of 45 units, was recommended 4-2 by the Planning Commission for approval by the <br />City Council on December 20, 2018. The City Council considered the 45 unit proposal on <br />February 4, 2019 and recommended the project be revised further to reduce the unit density. The <br />applicant has since returned with a revised Project proposal for City Council consideration, now <br />consisting of 42 units. <br />PROJECT PROPOSAL <br />Site Plans <br />The three-story multi-family residential apartment building has a general height of 37 feet when <br />measured to the parapet, with certain architectural projections at 44.5 feet to accommodate two <br />stairwells, an elevator penthouse, and a utility room. A flagpole proposed at the northwestern <br />corner of the building would have a height of 53.5 feet. The project also proposes a single <br />monopole measuring 60 feet (15.5 feet above the elevator penthouse) to accommodate a <br />proposed wireless telecommunications antenna (Exhibit H). These dimensions are unchanged <br />from the prior proposal. <br />The revised building maintains a 15 foot setback from the Bancroft and Joaquin Avenue property <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/16/2020
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