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5A Public Hearings 2020 0921
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Packet 2020 0921
5A Public Hearings 2020 0921
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10/8/2020 4:01:14 PM
Creation date
9/16/2020 1:13:20 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2020-119 1388 Bancroft Apartments MND MMRP
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Reso 2020-120 1388 Bancroft Apartments PD and Site Plan
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File Number: 20-311 <br />elevations are generally unchanged from the prior proposal and the rear (eastern) elevation has <br />limited changes insofar as the removal of the three units. Proposed colors and building materials <br />remain unchanged. The landscaping (Exhibits P-S) complements the architectural design, with an <br />appropriate balance of trees, shrubs, ferns, and ground cover. Street trees include mature Crepe <br />Myrtles and Russet Southern Magnolias. Changes to the landscaping plans include the <br />enlargement of the sport lawn area and minor adjustments to plantings near the former footprint of <br />the three removed units. Otherwise, landscaping is generally consistent with the prior proposal. <br />Density <br />The proposed 42 residential units on the 1.27 acre property equates to a density of 33 units per <br />acre. The General Plan land use designation for this site, Downtown Mixed Use, allows <br />residential densities ranging from 24 to 100 units per acre. The Professional Office (P) zoning <br />district’s established density is 24 units per acre (which would limit a 1.27 acre parcel to 31 units). <br />Under Chapter 3.04 of the Zoning Code, the residential unit density of a Planned Development <br />project is not subject to the density provisions of the underlying zoning district but must still comply <br />with the General Plan. <br />Open Space <br />The revised project provides 11,674 square feet of open space (6,230 square feet for the ground <br />floor open space and 5,444 square feet collectively for all the private decks and balconies). The <br />minimum open space requirement per dwelling unit is 200 square feet, which equates to a total of <br />8,600 square feet for the 42 units (Z.C. Section 2-558 A). With the removal of the 1,800 square <br />foot roof deck, the revised project still exceeds the minimum open space requirements. <br />Wireless Communication Facility and Flagpole <br />The revised project maintains the proposed wireless communications facility consisting of a <br />monopole on top of the building at a total height of 60 feet. The wireless monopole is located on <br />top of the elevator penthouse utility/storage room on the southeastern portion of the building at the <br />roof level (Exhibits H and I). The monopole contains wireless antennas inside a simple cylindrical <br />structure that serves to conceal the internal panels. The exterior would be a fiberglass “radio <br />frequency-transparent” material painted a neutral color (i.e., off-white/light gray) to blend in with <br />the design of the building and the surrounding open airspace around it. <br />A flagpole is identified on top of the northwest corner of the building, measuring 53.5 feet from <br />grade at the top. The flagpole would extend 20 feet above the base mounted roof elevation at <br />33.5 feet. The proposed monopole and flagpole conform to the Zoning Code’s height <br />requirements for these projections. <br />Planned Development Overlay <br />Planned Developments are regulated under Article 10 of the San Leandro Zoning Code. A <br />Planned Development functions as a conditional use permit combined with aspects of a site plan <br />review (Z.C. Section 3-1012). Applications for a Planned Development are subject to the City’s <br />discretionary review process and must be approved by the City Council to consider and ensure <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/16/2020
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