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File Number: 20-311 <br />that the new development will be compatible with the existing area. City Council approval of the <br />project will identify the parcel with a Planned Development overlay on the Zoning Map, designated <br />as “P(PD).” <br />Project Schedule <br />A Planned Development application may accommodate alternate phasing and time schedules for <br />the construction of a project (Z.C.§3.04.144). The applicant requests a four year period to allow <br />adequate time to prepare and submit for building permits and to accommodate the current <br />tenants. A request for a renewal beyond this timeframe must be approved by the Planning <br />Commission at a noticed public hearing. <br />GreenTRIP Certification <br />Since the February 4, 2019 City Council meeting, the proposed Project received full GreenTRIP <br />certification with 42 units (letter and report dated March 31, 2020, attached). GreenTRIP is a <br />certification program for new residential development focused on traffic reduction and innovative <br />parking. GreenTRIP certifies projects that are positioned and designed to allow residents to drive <br />less while increasing their mobility in other ways. The applicant’s GreenTRIP documentation <br />includes an analysis of the project’s reduced traffic and parking impacts. These impacts are <br />further reduced by the removal of the three units from the original proposal. <br />STAFF ANALYSIS <br />Planned Developments (PD) offer developers greater flexibility than otherwise allowed under the <br />Zoning Code in return for a coordinated development that, as noted in the Zoning Code, “provides <br />superior urban design in comparison with the development under the base district zoning <br />regulations.” The purpose of a Planned Development is to allow “a mechanism for considering <br />development that can be made compatible by application of careful and imaginative treatment of <br />interrelationships of activity.” <br />A Planned Development (PD) enables a developer to meet the overall community density and <br />land use goals without being bound by certain prescriptive zoning requirements. It establishes “a <br />procedure for the development of larger parcels of land in order to reduce or eliminate the rigidity, <br />delays and inequities that would result from the application of zoning standards and procedures <br />designed primarily for small parcels.” At 55,283 square feet (1.27 acres), the subject property is <br />the largest Professional Office (P) zoned parcel in San Leandro. <br />The revised project complies with the Professional Office (P) provisions of the Zoning Code with <br />the exception of the proposed unit density, the parking count and the reduced building setback <br />along Estudillo Avenue. Exceptions to the Zoning Code are permitted for Planned Developments <br />under Chapter 3.04 of the Zoning Code. The residential unit density of a Planned Development <br />project is not subject to the density provisions of the underlying zoning district but must still comply <br />with the General Plan. The General Plan land use designation for this site, Downtown Mixed Use, <br />allows residential densities ranging from 24 to 100 units per acre. <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/16/2020