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Reso 2020-107 903 Manor Boulevard PD and Site Plan
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2020-107 903 Manor Boulevard PD and Site Plan
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Last modified
9/24/2020 10:04:44 AM
Creation date
9/17/2020 12:27:35 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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higher quality housing and on -site improvements include landscaping requirements <br />and variety in building colors, materials, and articulation. <br />4. That the proposed use will not create adverse impacts on traffic or create <br />demands exceeding the capacity of public services and facilities, which cannot <br />be mitigated. <br />Following an evaluation of traffic, as noted in the staff report and the Initial Study — <br />Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared in accord with CEQA, the project will not <br />generate an increased level of traffic over the current commercial bowling center land <br />use. Manor Boulevard has adequate capacity to safely and reasonably accommodate <br />the traffic generated by the development. In addition, there are AC Transit bus stops <br />(Route 34) located near the intersection of Farnsworth Street and Manor Boulevard, <br />with a route that extends from Foothill Square in Oakland to Hayward BART, including <br />a stop at San Leandro BART. <br />There are adequate public facilities in the area to serve this residential development. <br />There is adequate public service to the proposed subdivision, including but not limited <br />to gas and electric, the water district, the sanitary district, solid waste disposal and <br />recyclable materials collection services, cable television, schools, and police and fire <br />protection. The project will contribute both physical improvements and development <br />impact fees to the community. <br />5. The Planned Development Project Plan will provide superior urban design in <br />comparison with the development under the base district zoning regulations. <br />The site planning for the Planned Development allows for adequate front yard and <br />rear yard setbacks, attached garage parking, and private balconies/decks that <br />maximize the concept of homeownership. The height of the townhouse condominiums <br />and the coverage of the units do not exceed the maximum allowable in the <br />Commercial Community zoning district. In addition, the design of the project contains <br />architectural patterns and elements that contribute to the character of the Planned <br />Development, including the use of colors, exterior materials, and landscaping for the <br />areas contiguous to the street and through the project site. The overall design and <br />features included within Planned Development enhances the development's long-term <br />livability and value retention in this new residential development. In exchange for a <br />reduced open space, the project provides higher quality urban design and increases <br />the City's supply of available housing. <br />6. The Planned Development Project includes adequate provisions for utilities, <br />services, and emergency vehicle access; and that public service demands will <br />not exceed the capacity of the existing and planned systems. <br />There is adequate public service provided to the proposed subdivision, including but <br />not limited to gas and electric, water, waste disposal, cable TV, and police and fire <br />services. The Engineering and Transportation Department and Fire Department have <br />found the access to the site to be safe for vehicular, pedestrian and emergency <br />vehicle access. The project will contribute both physical improvements and <br />development impact fees to the community. <br />Site Plan Review Findings <br />Exhibit A Recommended Findings of Fact and Determination September 8, 2020 <br />PLN19-0037 903 Manor Blvd. Page 4 of 6 <br />
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