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Reso 2020-117 Condemning White Supremacist groups
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2020-117 Condemning White Supremacist groups
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Last modified
9/24/2020 10:02:04 AM
Creation date
9/22/2020 9:15:21 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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livelihood, welfare, and diversity of the San Leandro community; and <br />WHEREAS, the City has a diverse population, made up of 37.7% Caucasian, 10.7% <br />African American, 1.0% American Indian, 34.5% Asian, 1.0% Native Hawaiian and other <br />Pacific Islander, 6.6% identified as multiracial, 27.3% Hispanic/Latino, and 23.3% identified as <br />White alone (not Hispanic or Latino) (please note, these percentages add up to more than 100% <br />because some people self -identify with more than one ethnic group) (Quick Facts, United States <br />Census Bureau, <br /><https•//www census gov/quickfacts/fact/table/sanleandrocitycalifomia/TNC110218> (last visited <br />Jul. 23, 2020)); and <br />WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro is an inclusive Sanctuary City that welcomes <br />individuals from different races, religions, and backgrounds (City of San Leandro Resolution No. <br />2017-023 , City of San Leandro Website, <br /><https•//wwwsanleandi•o.orU/depts/citvhall/sanctuarycit .asp? (last visited Jul. 20, 2020)); and <br />WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro condemns hate groups driven by racism, white <br />supremacy, xenophobia, and all other forms of intolerance and bigotry. <br />NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO CITY COUNCIL <br />RESOLVES as follows: <br />That the City of San Leandro supports the federal designation of the Ku Klux Klan as a <br />terrorist organization, because its stated goals and actions accord with the definition of terrorism <br />in the Patriot Act of 2001. Federal law, including the Patriot Act of 2001, limits a local <br />authority's power to designate the Ku Klux Klan as a domestic terrorist organization; such power <br />belongs to the federal government, typically through the Federal Bureau of Investigation; and <br />That the City of San Leandro has authority over all municipal affairs, and may declare <br />support for the movement toward classifying the Ku Klux Klan a terrorist organization; and <br />IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED THAT <br />That the City of San Leandro City Council directs the San Leandro City Manager to <br />publicize this resolution, and share it with San Leandro's Congressional, State, and fellow local <br />representatives; and <br />That the City of San Leandro does not tolerate hate or hate crimes, and reaffirms its <br />dedication to pursue and advocate for policies now and in the future to ensure safety as well as <br />civil and human rights for all of San Leandro's diverse community. <br />Introduced by Councilmember Aguilar and passed and adopted this 8ffi day of September <br />2020, by the following vote: <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2020-117 <br />
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