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Adequate maintenance is herein defined as maintaining the described facilities in good working <br />condition so that these facilities continue to operate as originally designed and approved. The <br />maintenance plan shall include a detailed description of and schedule for long-term maintenance <br />activities. <br />~ <br />SECTION 4: SEDIMENT MANAGEMENT <br />Sediment accumulation resulting from the normal operation of the stormwater treatment measure( s) <br />and HM controls (if any) will be managed appropriately by the Property Owner. The Property Owner <br />wiJI provide for the removal and disposal of accumulated sediments. Disposal of accumulated <br />sediments shall'not occur on the Property, unless provided for in the maintenance plan. Any <br />disposal or removal of accumulated sediments or debris shall be in compliance with all federal, state <br />and local law and regulations. <br />SECTION 5: ANNUAL INSPECTION AND REPORT <br />The Property Owner shall, on an annual basis, complete the Treatment Measure and HM Control <br />Operation and Maintenance Inspection Report (annual report), attached to this agreement as Exhibit <br />D. The annual report shall include all completed Inspection and Maintenance Checklists for the <br />reporting period and shall be submitted to the City in order to verify that inspection and maintenance <br />of the applicable stormwater treatment measure(s) and HM controls (if any) have been conducted <br />pursuant to this agreement. The annual report shall be submitted no later than December 31 of each <br />year, under penalty of perjury, to the Director of Public Works, 14200 Chapman Road, San Leandro, <br />CA 94578 or another member of the City staff as directed by the City. The Property Owner shall <br />provide a record of the volume of all accumulated sediment removed from the treatment measure(s) <br />and HM controls (if any) in the annual report. The Property Owner shall conduct a minimum of one <br />annual inspection of the stonnwater treatment measure(s) and HM controls (if any) before the wet <br />season. This inspection shall occur between August 1st and October 1 '1 each year. More frequent <br />inspections may be required by the maintenance plan (Exhibit C). The results of inspections shall be <br />recorded on the Inspection and Maintenance Checklist(s) attached as Exhibit D. . <br />SECTION 6: NECESSARY CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS <br />At its sole expense, the Property Owner shall make changes or modifications to the <br />stormwater treatment measure(s) and HM controls (if any) and/or the long-tenn maintenance plan <br />(Exhibit C) as may be determined as reasonably necessary by the City to ensure that treatment <br />measures and HM controls (if any) are properly maintained and continue to operate as originally <br />designed and approved. <br />SECTION 7: ACCESS TO THE PROPERTY <br />The Property Owner hereby grants pennission to the City; the San Francisco Bay Regional <br />Water Quality Control Board (Regional Water Board); the Alameda County Mosquito Abatement <br />District (Mosquito Abatement District); and their authmized agents and employees to enter upon the <br />Property at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner to inspect, assess or observe the stormwater <br />treatment measure(s) and HM controls (if any) in order to ensure that treatment measures and HM <br />controls (if any) are being properly maintained and are continuing to perform in an adequate manner <br />to protect water quality and the public health and safety. This includes the right to enter upon the <br />Property when it has a reasonable basis to believe that a violation of this Agreement, the City's <br />stonnwater management ordinance, guidelines, criteria, other written direction, or the MRP <br />(Regional Board Order R2-2015-0049, and any amendments or reissuances of this permit) is <br />occmTing, has occmTed or threatens to occur. The above listed agencies also have a right to enter the <br />Property when necessary for abatement of a public nuisance or correction of a violation of the <br />ordinance guideline, criteria or other written direction. Whenever possible, the City, Regional Water <br />Board, or the Mosquito Abatement District shall provide reasonable notice to the Property Owner <br />3 <br />Z:l2009\A09593-5\Documents\O&M Agreement\O&M Agreement_ Updated.doc