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Bioretention Area 1 Maintenance Plan for <br />2001 WILLIAMS STREET, SAN LEANDRO <br />6/9/2017 <br />Project Address and Cross Streets 2001 Williams Street. San Leandro. CA <br />Assessor's Parcel No.: -=-07._7""'A~-...:.0.:....70=0=--=0=22=--...:.o=o _______________ _ <br />Property Owner: -~D~C~T_W~il~lia~m_s~S~tre~e~t ..... L=L""'C~-Phone No.: ________ _ <br />Designated Contact: -'-T_._e ...... rr"'"'i A"""l""'le""n'--------Phone No.: (949) 219-1242 <br />Mailing Address: __ 1.:...:2=-C=or:..cp=o.:...:ra=te.:o....:....P..:..:la=z=a.._. S=ui=te:........:..;15=0~·~N=e::..:.w:..cp=o"-'rt"""B=e=a=c~h.'""'C=Ac....:....:9=2=66=0=------ <br />The property contains 8 bioretention area(s), located as described below and as shown in <br />the attached site plan 2 • <br />• Bioretention Area No. 1 is located near the southeast corner of the building. <br />• Bioretention Area No. 2 is located near the southwest corner of the building. <br />• Bioretention Area No. 3 is located near the northeast corner of the building. <br />• Bioretention Area No. 4 is located north of the building and west of Bioretention Area No. 3. <br />• Bioretention Area No. 5 is located north of the building and west of Bioretention Area No. 4. <br />• Bioretention Area No. 6 is located west of the building. <br />• Bioretention Area No. 7 A is located near the northwest corner of the building and east of the <br />main entry. <br />• Bioretention Area No. 78 is located near the northwest corner of the building and west of the <br />main entry. <br />I. Routine Maintenance Activities <br />The principal maintenance objective is to prevent sediment buildup and clogging, which <br />reduces pollutant removal efficiency and may lead to bioretention area failure. Routine <br />maintenance activities, and the frequency at which they will be conducted, are shown in <br />Table 1. <br />Table 1 <br />Routine Maintenance Activities for Bioretention Areas <br />No. Maintenance Task Frequency of Task <br />1 Remove obstructions, debris and trash from bioretention Monthly, or as needed after storm events <br />area and dispose of properly. <br />2 Inspect bioretention area to ensure that it drains between Monthly, or as needed after storm events <br />storms and within five days after rainfall. <br />3 Inspect inlets for channels, soil exposure or other Monthly, or as needed after storm events <br />evidence of erosion. Clear obstructions and remove <br />sediment. <br />4 Remove and replace all dead and diseased vegetation. Twice a year <br />5 Maintain vegetation and the irrigation system. Prune and Before wet season begins, or as needed <br />weed to keep bioretention area neat and orderly in <br />appearance. <br />6 Check that mulch is at appropriate depth (3 inches per soil Monthly <br />specifications) and replenish as necessary before wet <br />season begins. <br />7 Inspect bioretention area using the attached inspection Monthly, or after large storm events, and after <br />checklist. removal of accumulated debris or material <br />1 Bioretention areas include linear treatment measures designed for water to filter through biotreatment soils. A <br />bioretention area that is unlined and has a raised underdrain in the underlying rock layer to promote infiltration, as <br />shown in Section 6.1, may also be called a "bioinfiltration area". <br />2 Attached site plan must match the site plan exhibit to Maintenance Agreement. <br />• Page 1 NOS Approved Template Revised 11/28/11