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DECI.JARATION OF RES'IlUCTIVE COVENANT .AFFECTlNGREAL PROPERTY <br />15301 Far.nswo.rthSt., Assessor~s ParceLNumber SOG-1369;.19 .,. <br />The restrictive covenant described' in this Agreement shaI1 run with the tancf and sfiaffoe fulty <br />a~~1i:ali1<1h and{enfoxcea~l~ as to owners~!gns in iintexest: <br />The Prope1iy affected herein is described a,~: Lot.19, R~corde,d in Book 80G of map Page 1369 in <br />Tract·'993 .of .Alameda~County,;•City:ofSan·Leandro,;C:aiiibrrua. <br />··; <br />Signature of Property Owner <br />Print Name: &fu f 0 (),' ~-Z: :Dated: tO ... Al-l 9 <br />A notary public or officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity <br />of the in.!\Md'\ wb.~ sil!!Ped!t~e dbcumranli tow~'i:!il.~hia, ~rt!ffail;:~fa. <br />;ittached, and not tnetnitnfi:Jrness, accuracy, or validity of that document <br />s~te .. ·ot<Cali~L~ . <br />. :trJuntylOf __._#\~~ ....... _,_,,"""'--___ _ <br />On J.\, 10t before me, ~\t\M ~ G;,""""4., Notary Public, personally <br />:;w,peareo! • Q: .. -\'ltho.:proverl! to me .tm Q <br />the basis .of .satisfactory c.e.vJdence .to he th~erson ) whose· name. t/J. . ale ·.sJi!t:?scribed to the w. ithin <br />instrument and acknowl~ed to me tha~sVe/th~ exe~uted the. same in(Wl/h¢'/th/ir auth9ri~etj ca:pac~tv(¢'s)•; and·tha:t.:tj> ·;fsign~ture{ifontheinstrument~ne perso~, orel'l~itV upon,be~alf <br />of which the personOO acted, executed the.rn.strument. ' <br />.! .: <br />t certify qnJiler PENALT.Y Of PE.r:wuav. .. t , ~··. la:ws of: .~h~ Stct:11~ ·of,. 1ZaHfo.mi:a1: tn,cff tne foreg.ottmg· <br />paragraph is true and correct. <br />WITNESS my hand and official seal. <br />S:lgricitw re <br />Declaration of R.esfricfive Covenanf Affecting R:ear ~roperfy <br />PLN18·0071 15301. Farnsworth1St. <br />September 2!):. 2:01'8: <br />Page2of 2 <br />j