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DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE USE COVENANT <br />AFFECTING REAL PROPERTY , - <br />(3881 Carmel Way, Assessor's Parcel Number 77B-1142-14) <br />The restrictive covenant described in this Agreement shall run with the land and shall be fully <br />applicable and enforceable as to owners, assigns and successors in interest. <br />The Property affected herein is described as: Lot 14, Recorded in Book 77B of map Page 1142 in <br />Tract 1149 of Alameda County, City of San Leandro, California. <br />--------~ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br />Signature of Property Owner <br />Print Name: ____ Jd-'-'-rO~(M'-1----'-r' -~6"9--"u~o __ _ Dated:_/~0_,___p~8 /~19 __ _ <br />A notary public or officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity <br />of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is <br />attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. <br />State of Calif?r,fia, <br />County of /f[C,j__YIJL,cl,., <br />On / 0 { .J..--rj')...e, f i. bef?re me, f '~ u/v4 '1:; [,,," , Notary Public, personally <br />appeared Ji4 '-(l (},--µ., , who proved to me on <br />the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personN whose name~) is/a~subscribed to the within <br />instrument and acknowledged to me that--Re/she/tllsy_ executed the same in"'f' authorized <br />capacit~, and that bylris/her/th~signature(~on the i_nstrument the person(~ or entity upon behalf <br />of which the person("4._acted, executed the instrument. <br />Declaration of Restrictive Covenant <br />Page2