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{' <br />., <br />'' <br />n.m•<"•:".li~;o..""1 1A<'l{S"Q ·s~HN'I' ,\.('flNcHU~m1<~:\'i .. N<t_~f~ <br />Califomla All-Purpose Certificate of Acknowledgment <br />A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the <br />document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. <br />County of .~ J s.s. <br />State of Cali~rlJia , ~ l.· <br />On.%{ 8( ?wt~ before me,. 0~1~ ~ <br />. ' Q . Name of Notary Public. Title <br />personally appeared :'.:>A.MAd~v'-1 6h Odil <br />Name of Signer (1) <br />Name of Signer (2) . <br />who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(~) whose name(t) <br />is/aFe subscribed to .the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/a+teithey executed <br />the same in his/t:ler/their authorized capacity(.i~), and that by his/l::iefffiteir signature(i) on the <br />instrument the person(rf}, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(!;) acted, executed the <br />instrument. <br />I certify under PENAL TY OF PERJURY under the laws <br />of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is <br />true and correct. <br />WITNESS my hand and official seal. <br />Signature of Notary Public <br />SABINE ALEFELD·KOONER <br />COMM. #2280513 z <br />Notary Public • C811fornla ~ <br />Alameda County . ... <br />Comm. Expires Mar. 11. 2023 <br />Seal <br />OPTIONAL INFORMATION ------------ <br />Althoug/J the information in this sec/ion is not required by law. it could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of <br />r.J. this acknowledgment to an unauthorized document and may prove useful to persons relying on the attached document. <br />Descrie.tion of Attached Oocument <br />The preceding Certificate of Acknowledgment is attached to a <br />document titled/for the purpose of _________ _ <br />containing __ . pages, and dated ________ _ <br />The signer(s) capacity or authority is/are as: <br />D lndividual(s) <br />0 Attorney-in-fact <br />0 Corporate Officer(s) -------------- <br />D Guardian/Conservator <br />0 Partner -Limited/General <br />D Trustee(s) <br />Title(s) <br />D Other:------------------ <br />representing: ----------------- <br />Mmne(:;J of Per~on(11} Enhtyt1es) :.;1finer ir. P.eprl:!srmting <br />_.:;" · .·. · ·Aercfiiiti~#ii1rorma~IM 1' '.," ·' :: .:: 1· <br />Method of Signer Identification <br />· · Proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence: <br />D form(s) of identification D credible witness( es) <br />Notarial event is detailed in notary journal on: <br />Page# __ Entry# __ <br />Notary contact: ______ _,,_ ____ _ <br />other <br />D Additional Signer D Signer(s) Thumbprin\s{s) <br />D~~~~~~~~~ <br />.i;.;11(..\IB:S.'I . ,\1,..·h,.-.; 0\\ r.lJIJTIIlF.~'I'.\l·RNO\\ l.f'.ht:.\rn:-_;_1_,,, h,,;'i/f1 <br />•9 2009-2015 Notary Learning Center -All Rights Reserved You can purchase copies of tt1is form from uur web site at <br />~! ~ ·~1 "1~~ ~ <br />l:i '~ <br />·~ ~ ;s <br />11~-3 <br />~ ; <br />'J,; c <br />:~ <br />l <br />g <br />~: ~I