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... <br />CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE§ 1189 <br />• <br />A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the <br />document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. <br />State of California ) ~ r. -,. /~ r. ~· tt.:J <br />County of J tt'/l ti~_. ~ ) Notary Public <br />On OcbLe~-l'"JJ~)D{"b>efore me, 'T ol (,~ ~Q_ ()t'c!\MC'\..L) ' <br />Date 7 <br />. .t! Here Insert Name and Title of t~ Officer~ <br />personally appeared Lv t~ r'\J ~ b-o, l ~·l'k·tl~-( ~aN"'~uS <br />Name~ J of Signer(s) <br />who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) i&lare <br />subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that h~they executed the same in <br />Riafl:lsr/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by ~/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), <br />or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. <br />' ft e A ft A A A ft A A' f"w&.1 <br />IOLANTHE SONIA DENMAN <br />_ : Notary Public -California : 4 San Francisco County ~ <br />Commission# 2204078 <br />My Comm. Expires Jul 3, 2021 <br />Place Notary Sea/ Above <br />I certify under PENAL TY OF PERJURY under the laws <br />of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph <br />is true and correct. <br />~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-oPT/ONAL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- <br />Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or <br />fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. <br />Description of Attached Document <br />Title or Type of Document: Document Date: _______ _ <br />Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: _____________ _ <br />Capacity(ies} Claimed by Signer(s} <br />Signer's Name: ___________ _ Signer's Name: ___________ _ <br />D Corporate Officer -Title(s): ______ _ [J Corporate Officer -Title(s): ______ _ <br />D Partner -[J Limited D General [J Partner -[J Limited [J General <br />D Individual [J Attorney in Fact D Individual I] Attorney in Fact <br />D Trustee [] Guardian or Conservator 0 Trustee l I Guardian or Conservator <br />D Other: ______________ _ 0 Other: _____________ _ <br />Signer Is Representing: ________ _ Signer Is Representing: ________ _ <br />• ©2014 National Notary Association· • 1-800-US NOTARY (1-800-876-6827) Item #5907