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JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT <br />ALAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION <br />This Agreement is dated March 25, 2010 for reference purposes only. <br />1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Joint Powers Agreement ("Agreement") is to <br />create a joint powers agency pursuant to the California Joint Exercise of Powers Act that will <br />have all of the authority, powers and rights of the Alameda County Congestion Management <br />Agency ("ACCMA") and the Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority <br />("ACTIA") and certain additional powers as described in this Agreement. <br />2. OBJECTIVES. The objectives of this Agreement are to: <br />(a) Coordinate transportation planning and conduct transportation <br />programming within Alameda County for all countywide, regional, state and federal funding <br />programs; <br />(b) Position Alameda County jurisdictions, including the Transit Operators <br />and other transportation system operators, to better compete for limited state and federal <br />transportation dollars; <br />(c) Develop a consensus on future improvements to major roads, freeways <br />and transit services in Alameda County; <br />(d) Carry out the projects and programs in Alameda County's 20 Year Sales <br />Tax Transportation Expenditure Plan, dated July 2000, as it may be amended from time to time <br />and the responsibilities of a Local Transportation Authority pursuant to Public Utilities Code <br />180000 et' seq., including but not limited to preparation of a new Expenditure Plan and <br />submission of a new or extension of the existing sales tax to the voters; <br />(e) Complete the projects in the Alameda County Sales Tax Transportation <br />Plan's 1986 Expenditure Plan and carry out the responsibilities of a Local Transpprtation <br />Authority pursuant to Public Utilities Code 130000; <br />(t) Continue and sustain a Congestion Management Agency for Alameda <br />County and its member cities; <br />(g) Develop and update countywide transportation policies through the <br />Countywide Transportation Plan and the Congestion Management Program; <br />(h) Implement the requirements of state legislation to maintain and administer <br />a Congestion Management Program for the County; <br />(i) Designate the ACTC as the Alameda County Program Manager for the <br />Transportation Fund for Clean Air; <br />000230.0026\1453006.5 1