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Government Code, and other applicable laws of the State of California requiring notice of <br />meetings of public.bodies to be given. <br />(iv) Quorum. A majority of the members of the ACTC Board, by <br />numbers rather than voting power, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, <br />except that less than a quorum may adjourn from time to time. <br />(v) Meeting Compensation. The ACTC Board is authorized to fix a <br />reasonable sum to be paid elected officials for attendance at ACTC Board and committee <br />meetings and meetings of other agencies while on ACTC business. Such compensation shall <br />cover mileage and other costs associated with meeting attendance. <br />(f) By-Laws. The ACTC Board shall adopt from till)e to time such by-laws <br />and/or administrative codes, rules or regulations for the conduct of its affairs as may be required. <br />At a minimum the by-laws or administrative code shall include guidelines and procedures related <br />to the finding of non-conformance with the Congestion Management Program. <br />(g) Technical Advisory Committee. The Alameda County Transportation <br />Advisory Committee ("ACT AC") will function as the technical advisory committee to the <br />ACTC. The ACT AC shall be composed of: one staff representative of ACTC, who shall serve <br />as chair of the ACTAC; one staff representative of each city and the County; one staff <br />representative of each Transit Operator; and one staff representative each of MTC, Cal trans and <br />BAAQMD. The ACTC Board may add additional representatives to ACTAC. Each <br />representative shall have one vote. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for the <br />conduct of business. Staff representatives for Local Agencies are expected to be selected from <br />the public works and planning departments. ACTAC may form subcommittees as necessary. <br />(h) Citizens' Watchdog Committee. The Citizens' Watchdog Committee as <br />described in the Alameda County 2000 Transportation Expenditure Plan shall be appointed as <br />and have the powers specified in that Plan regarding the expenditure of ACTIA funds. <br />(i) Other Committees. The ACTC Board may establish standing and special <br />committees, which may include members of the Board, representatives of other agencies, and/or <br />members of the public as necessary to accomplish its responsibilities under this Agreement. <br />11. POWERS. The ACTC is hereby authorized in its own name to perform all acts <br />necessary for the exercise of said powers including but not limited to the following: <br />(a) To make and enter into contracts; <br />(b) To apply for and accept grants, advances and contributions; <br />( c) . To employ or contract for the services of agents, employees, consultants <br />and such other persons or firms as it deems necessary; <br />( d) To make plans and conduct studies and to review, recommend or adopt <br />revisions or amendments thereto to the extent allowed by law; <br />000230.0026\1453006 .5 7