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File: Bill Rates 2019-2020 City of San Leanadro Exhibit B <br />2019-2020 Attachment 5 Rates I City San Leandrot--submitted by Flagship ·--~ <br />New minimum is $16.20 per hr pay rate I +---I <br />Job Class rate type base labor rate direct and indirect overhead markup total hrly rate <br />Supervisor/Lead straiqht S23 .00 $13.88 $0.37 $37.25 <br />overtime $34.50 $17.97 $0.39 $52.86 <br />Day Porter/Matron straight SI 7.00 $10.73 $0.29 $28.02 <br />overtime $25 50 $14.12 $0.32 $39.94 <br />Night Janitor straight Sl6.20 $10.22 $0.28 $26.70 <br />overtime S24.30 $13.45 $0.31 $38.06 <br />Floor/Utility straight S22.00 $13.88 $0.37 $36.25 <br />overtime $33.00 $17.91 $0.39 $51.30 <br />I I - <br />additional service request I <br />Service during normal jantorial work on a weekday <br />with no less than 24 hour notice 1 $28.02 <br />Service outside normal jantorial work on a weekday <br />I with no less than 24 hour notice 2 $42.52 I <br />Service during normal jantorial work on a weekday <br />with less than 24 hour notice 3 $39. 75 <br />Service outside normal jantorial work on a weekday <br />I with less than 24 hour notice 4 $53.91 <br />JMM