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File Number: 20-423 <br />process; <br />·Make recommendations for the most efficient and effective reallocation of funding that was <br />recently deducted from the Police Department budget; and <br />·Make recommendations to help achieve a long-term, sustainable budget through reducing <br />expenditures and/or increasing revenues. <br />Attached to this staff report is the proposed Budget Task Force work plan. The work plan was <br />reviewed by the Finance Committee on September 9, 2020. The Committee emphasized the <br />importance of having an organized and comprehensive program in place for the Task Force. This <br />structure will ensure successful meetings and a positive experience for Task Force members. <br />It is currently anticipated that the City Council will appoint members to the Budget Task Force at <br />its September 28, 2020 meeting. A corresponding City Council resolution affirming those <br />appointments is also included within the City Council agenda packet for this agenda item. If <br />appointments are finalized, the first Budget Task Force meeting can be scheduled for October <br />14, 2020. The work plan provides for a total of 10 Task Force meetings. This schedule would <br />allow the Task Force’s recommendations to inform the City’s Fiscal Year 2021-2022 and <br />2022-2023 Biennial Budget. Staff proposes that the Budget Task Force meet approximately <br />twice each month from October 2020 through March 2021 with the exception of November and <br />December when they would meet once each month. This proposed schedule could be subject to <br />minor modifications if necessary during the course of the upcoming several months based on the <br />task force’s progress toward achieving its above-stated mission. <br />Brown Act and Statements of Economic Interest <br /> <br />California Govt. Code Sec. 54952(b) provides that a decision-making or advisory commission, <br />committee, or board of the City Council, whether permanent or temporary, created by ordinance, <br />resolution, or formal action of the City Council would be subject to the Brown Act. These <br />requirements mean that all meetings will be properly noticed and include opportunities for public <br />input, among other requirements. <br />In addition, the City Attorney has concluded that members of the Task Force will be required to fill <br />out the FPPC Statement of Economic Interest, commonly referred to as the Form 700, under the <br />broadest disclosure category in the City’s conflict of interest code (Category 1 - SLAC 4.2.115). <br />This category appears the most appropriate fit for the Committee’s description, duties, and <br />responsibilities. However, the City Council has discretion to determine if this is not necessary and <br />set a more tailored interim disclosure requirement. <br /> <br />FISCAL IMPACTS <br /> <br />The task force will require significant staff time in the form of administrative and technical support <br />(scheduling and preparing agendas and minutes, and preparing and communicating meeting <br />materials). Their work is not expected to result in direct fiscal impacts. Staff may seek <br />professional facilitators to assist with some of the meetings, if necessary. <br />ATTACHMENT <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/23/2020 <br />347