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Budget Task Force <br />City of San Leandro <br />Established by the City Council September 28, 2020 <br />The City Council created the Community Advisory Task Force, known as the Budget Task <br />Force, to give community input to the City Council regarding the City budget and related fiscal <br />matters. Guidance shall focus on changes necessary to rebalance the City budget considering <br />budget deficits, the COVID-19 pandemic and accompanying shelter-in-place orders, and the <br />reallocation of a portion of the Police Department budget. <br />The following summarizes the mission for the Budget Task Force: <br />•Develop an understanding of the City’s budget and fiscal issues. <br />•Provide input on community priorities and develop recommendations on fiscal and <br />program strategies that ensure a balanced budget that reflects those priorities. <br />•Make recommendations to enhance public understanding of the City budget and <br />community input into the budget development process. <br />•Make recommendations for the most efficient and effective reallocation of funding that <br />was recently deducted from the Police Department budget. <br />•Make recommendations to help achieve a long-term, sustainable budget through <br />reducing expenditures and/or increasing revenues. <br />Tentative Task Force Work Plan <br />Session 1 Task Force Member Orientation <br />•Welcome and self-introductions <br />•Review mission statement, workplan, and schedule <br />•Review Brown Act <br />Develop Understanding of City Budget and Fiscal Issues <br />•Receive overview of City General Fund budget, fund accounting, line <br />item budget format. <br />Session 2 Develop Understanding of City Budget and Fiscal Issues (continued) <br />•Review City General Fund budget <br />•Analyze approved revenues and expenditures for 2020-21 <br />•Review Department operating budgets, presentations (3) <br />Session 3 Task Force Organization <br />•Select Chairperson and Vice Chair <br />349