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5A Public Hearings 2020 0928
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Packet 2020 0928
5A Public Hearings 2020 0928
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9/23/2020 12:20:20 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2020-121 Climatec LLC Implementation and Construction Grand 59352113
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File Number: 20-406 <br />current methane supply (up to 100 cubic feet per minute). <br />The treatment plant is currently burning the majority of the digester gas being produced by <br />the digesters (remaining flow is used for digester heating). A new system will allow the <br />plant to capture digester gas flow and convert it into a renewable energy source that can <br />be constructively utilized. Infrastructure will be added to the plant to make this possible. <br />There is a projected annual revenue of $584,476 from the sale of said fuel. <br />·High Strength Waste (HSW) Receiving Facility - Utilize up to 5,800 gallons per day of <br />food processing waste. <br />The food processors located within the City will start/continue separating their solids from <br />the wastewater stream and diverting them to the WPCP’s digesters via trucking (instead <br />of the whole waste-stream going to drain). Infrastructure will be added to the WPCP to <br />make this possible. Removal of this material from the waste-stream will reduce operational <br />costs by decreasing the ‘load’ on existing facilities and increases the life of existing <br />equipment. <br />·Energy Conservation Upgrades <br />o Digester Mixer Replacement - Digester #4 is currently employing inefficient pump <br />mixing. Infrastructure will be added to convert the mixing to an in-tank propeller <br />system, while at the same time replacing the existing mixing pump with a new <br />pump currently stored on site at the treatment plant for backup purposes. <br />o Heat Loop Pump Replacement - Two heat loop pumps in the Digester #1-3 area <br />are at the end of their useful life and in need of replacement. Infrastructure will be <br />added to modernize and replace the pumps. <br />o Turbo Blower Replacement - There are currently three blowers serving the aeration <br />basins (two primarily operate with one standby). Infrastructure will be added to <br />replace one of the remaining blowers with turbo technology. This has already <br />proven itself to have a significant energy savings from a previous project. <br />More details and technical specifications can be found in Attachment A of the Installation <br />Agreement, attached to this report. <br /> <br />In the interest of confirming project viability, the City contracted with DERNetSoft, a local energy <br />conservation and clean technologies consultant, to perform a peer review. In an effort to remove <br />any possibility of direct influence, Climatec was given no information about or contact with the <br />consultant. DERNetSoft was given a project overview and additional data that could not be found <br />via utility records. The City redacted certain assumptions about cost recovery from the Climatec <br />proposal in order to allow DERNetSoft to run parallel calculations. The outcome of the review was <br />positive, indicating that the battery system was likely to save slightly more money than projected <br />by Climatec, and that calculations regarding CNG production were reasonable. Energy-saving <br />equipment replacements were not incorporated into the peer review as they are direct <br />calculations that require no assumptions in order to derive installation return on investment. <br />Based on the peer review and vetted design specifications, this project is expected to provide <br />revenue with the sale of CNG and reduce on-going utility bill and equipment replacement costs. <br />Because of the market conditions related to both utility rates and CNG, it isn’t possible to provide <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/23/2020 <br />11
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