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File Number: 20-406 <br />exact savings amounts at this time. However, based on project assumptions, the anticipated net <br />effect will be to reduce the projected rate of increase of customer rates over time. <br />Applicable City Policies <br />·General Plan Policy OSC-7.6 Reducing Municipal Greenhouse Gas Emissions. <br />Reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with municipal operations, including those <br />associated with energy use, City vehicles, City recycling and composting operations, and <br />utilities. <br />·Climate Action Plan (CAP) Goal #6.1, “Increase Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy <br />Use in City Facilities” <br />Implementation of the proposed efficiency projects will make significant progress on the City’s <br />adopted Climate Action Plan. The CAP states that, “Greenhouse gas emissions related to <br />buildings, streetlights and water/sewage facilities comprise 34 percent of San Leandro‘s total <br />government operations emissions inventory”. On an annual basis, energy savings from these <br />projects would equate to 58 passenger cars removed from the roadway; 31,500 gallons of <br />gasoline saved; 8,306 trees preserved from deforestation; and 42 San Leandro homes powered. <br />Please see Attachment Cfor additional environmental benefits. <br />The current CAP is undergoing a comprehensive update and draft policies are not available for <br />public review at this time. However, this proposed project will dovetail nicely with the expanded <br />discussion of resiliency (in addition to energy efficiencies) that is part of the draft CAP. For <br />instance, under an extended PSPS event, it is conceivable that the WPCP could be without <br />power. In a recent real-life example, EBMUD’s wastewater plant was without power and over <br />50,000 gallons of raw sewage entered the Oakland Estuary. <br />Previous Actions <br />·City Council Meeting May 4, 2020 - Application to Apply for an SGIP Grant and to <br />Appropriate $120,000 from the WPCP’s Fund Balance Reserves <br />·City Council Meeting May 4, 2020 - Resolution No. 2020-043 <br />Environmental Review <br />Required environmental review will take place during the project design phase. A determination <br />of ‘Exempt’ is anticipated, since all development is taking place within previously <br />disturbed/excavated portions of the WPCP. <br />Legal Analysis <br />California Government Code Section 4217 design-build energy legislation has been used <br />hundreds of times over the past 30 years to procure projects similar to the one proposed for the <br />WPCP. This includes the previous phases of work Climatec has performed for the City. The <br />proposed project is well-suited for this type of procurement due to its comprehensive nature and <br />the complexity of the proposed measures. If the City elected to design, engineer, and construct a <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/23/2020 <br />12