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consider the Project with 45 units and the draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration <br />for the Project; and <br />WHEREAS, following receipt and consideration of written and verbal comments on the <br />proposed project and Mitigated Negative Declaration at the February 4, 2019 hearing, the City <br />Council directed the applicant to reduce the Project's density and number of units; and <br />WHEREAS, the applicant prepared and submitted revisions to the Project on February 4, <br />2020, reducing the total number of units from 45 to 42, removing the rooftop patio, and replacing <br />the footprint of the removed units with a widened sport lawn area; and <br />WHEREAS, the revised Project was reviewed and evaluated in accord with CEQA <br />Guidelines section 15073.5 and it was determined that the changes, including the reduction of <br />three dwelling units, removal of the rooftop deck and widening of the sport lawn area, constitute <br />minor revisions to the Project that do not result in any new or significant additional effects; and <br />WHEREAS, the revised Project compensates for the removal of rooftop common open <br />space by relocating the open space amenity to the location of the three removed dwelling units <br />and replaces their footprint with a widened sport lawn area, providing additional pervious surface <br />area for stormwater pollution control; and <br />WHEREAS, the Project revisions do not trigger Recirculation of the Mitigated Negative <br />Declaration because the changes are minor and were made in response to written or verbal <br />comments on the Project's effects identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration at the City <br />Council hearing held on February 4, 2020 and do not result in any new or avoidable significant <br />effects, in accord with CEQA Guidelines, Section 15073.5(c)(2); and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council, after giving all public notices required by State law and <br />the San Leandro Zoning Code, held a duly noticed public hearing on September 21, 2020 on the <br />the draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Project; and <br />WHEREAS, at said public hearing the City Council again considered all oral and written <br />information, testimony, and comments received during the public review process, the testimony <br />and information received at the public hearing, the oral report from City staff, the written report <br />from City staff, exhibits presented, pertinent plans and documents, the recommendation of the <br />Planning Commission, the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and <br />Reporting Program, the application of all mitigating measures, and all other materials and <br />information contained in the record of proceedings relating to the Project, which are maintained <br />at the City of San Leandro Community Development Department (collectively, "Environmental <br />Information"). <br />NOW, THEREFORE the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as <br />follows: <br />Section 1. That the City of San Leandro City Council hereby adopts the Mitigated <br />Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Exhibit A), based upon <br />the following findings: <br />The forgoing recitals are true and correct and made part of this Resolution. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2020-119 2 <br />