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City of San Leandro <br />Meeting Date: October 19, 2020 <br />Resolution - Council <br />Agenda Section:File Number:20-474 CONSENT CALENDAR <br />Agenda Number:8.G. <br />TO:City Council <br />FROM:Jeff Kay <br />City Manager <br />BY: <br />FINANCE REVIEW:Not Applicable <br />TITLE:RESOLUTION of the City of San Leandro City Council Extending the Ratification <br />of a Proclamation of Local Emergency and State of Emergency by the City’s <br />Director of Emergency Services Pursuant to California Government Code <br />Section 8630 and Public Contract Code Section 22050(c) because of the <br />COVID-19 Pandemic <br />WHEREAS, emergency conditions presently exist in the City of San Leandro in <br />accordance with the City’s Director of Emergency Services’ March 16, 2020 proclamation of a <br />local emergency and state of emergency, ratified by the City Council on March 16, 2020 by <br />Resolution No. 2020-024, as a result of conditions described in the Director’s proclamation, <br />attached hereto; and <br />WHEREAS, Public Contract Code Section 22050(c) requires that the City Council make a <br />determination, at each subsequent regular City Council meeting until the emergency conditions <br />terminate, the need for continuing emergency action; and <br />WHEREAS, Government Code section 8630(c) provides that the City Council must review <br />the need for continuing the local emergency at least once every 60 days until the City Council <br />terminates the local emergency; and <br />WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro City Council reviewed the need to continue the <br />previously approved emergency action at its September 08, 2020 regular meeting; and <br />WHEREAS, the conditions described in the Director’s proclamation, as ratified by <br />Resolution No. 2020-024, continue to exist and are still deemed to warrant continued emergency <br />actions to preserve and protect public health, safety, welfare, and property. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO CITY COUNCIL RESOLVES that the <br />City Council determines, finds, and declares that the emergency conditions described in the <br />Director’s proclamation of a local emergency and state of emergency dated March 16, 2020, and <br />ratified by the City of San Leandro City Council on March 16, 2020 by passage of Resolution No. <br />Page 1 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/14/2020 <br />116