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<br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and Last revised June 26, 2020 <br />Ethosoft, Inc. for Laboratory Information Man agement System Exhibit A – Page 2 of 10 <br /> <br />Phase II: Project Requirements / Data Gathering -- Once the project organization is complete, Ethosoft <br />conducts a project data gathering phase. Ethosoft’s implementation specialist will spend three days on -site <br />to gather information and to understand the customer’s processes, workflows, customizations requirements, <br />instrument integration, reports, and integration with any external software programs. The City should be <br />prepared to have staff available that week to meet with the implementation specialist and answer any <br />questions that are asked. <br />Phase III: Requirements Analysis – After gathering the data, Ethosoft will review and document the <br />information gathered in phase II and devise the strategy to configure X -LIMS to meet the City’s needs. <br />Phase IV: System Configuration – In this phase, Ethosoft will configure the data for the City to ease <br />implementation. Ethosoft differs from other LIMS vendors in this respect by actually performing the initial <br />configuration of data for the customer according to the data gathered in Phase II. Our philosophy is to provide <br />the customer with a 95% out of the box ready solution after configuration where the customer will be trained <br />on an X-LIMS system that contains their workflows, tests, limits, and sample locations. <br />In addition, the reports and data imports/exports and custom code constructs are configured for the system <br />during this phase. The configuration will be reviewed by setting up a secure web site on Ethosoft’s server <br />that only the City can access remotely via the internet. Once the data is configured, Ethosoft conducts several <br />interactive web sessions (schedule to be determined by the City’s workload) with the system administrator(s) <br />and lab section managers to review the configuration. This serves to make the City’s employees part of the <br />process and to give them experience with the system before any formal training takes place. <br />Phase V: Validation Test Planning – In this phase, based on the configured workflows and configured data, <br />Ethosoft will work with the City so that they can draft validation test plans for rev iew. It is the responsibility of <br />the City to create the validation test plans. Once the plans are approved, the configured system is then ready <br />to be installed so that testing may begin. Cut over and Go-live planning is done during this phase as well. <br />Phase VI: Installation and Training – Once the validation plan has been approved by the City, Ethosoft will <br />install the configured X-LIMS product on the Cloud server. Once the installation is complete, Ethosoft comes <br />onsite and the implementation specialist trains the administrators and end users on the system that has been <br />configured for their use. The City will need to allocate space for the training sessions. We have found that <br />such a situation facilitates training as the end users will be logging in samples with familiar tests, workflows, <br />sample locations and schedules. <br />Phase VII: Validation Testing – The City will perform validation testing during this phase according to the <br />scenarios defined in the validation test plan with the identified staff. Issues are reported to Ethosoft and will <br />be tracked with a case number. Once the testing is complete and any outstanding issues are resolved, the <br />City signs off on the validation testing and the system goes live. <br />Ethosoft implementation staff will require desks/workspace and an internet connection for all onsite work. <br /> <br />B. Ethosoft Responsibilities and Project Plan <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 0FAAC8A1-7B66-41D1-8DBF-9ED853BC0612