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<br /> <br /> <br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and Last revised 08/31/2020 <br />Building Futures with Women and Children for San Leandro Shelter Exhibit A – Page 1 of 1 <br />EXHIBIT A <br /> <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> <br />PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES <br />The San Leandro Shelter will provide emergency food and housing to homeless women and children along <br />with additional supportive services designed to end homelessness and family violence. The availability of a <br />safe, stable and supportive living environment, with access to comprehensive quality support services will <br />increase the probability of improving the client's ability to become self-sufficient. <br /> <br />MAJOR ACTIVITIES <br />The San Leandro Shelter will provide one-on-one case management and advocacy to homeless women in <br />the shelter in support of their housing and employment searches, increasing their probability of securing <br />housing and/or employment. <br /> <br />PERFORMANCE MEASURES <br />1. Provide 24-hour emergency housing to 100-200 homeless women and children (676 bed nights); three <br />meals a day, access to health care; parenting, domestic violence, and life skills support groups; and <br />money management sessions. <br />2. 50% of the women and children who stay at the shelter will depart with safe, stable housing. <br /> <br />TIMELINES <br />By September 30, 2020, Building Futures will have accomplished: <br />• Provide 24-hour emergency housing to 25- 50 homeless women and children (171 bed nights), three <br />meals a day, access to health care, parenting and recovery support groups, domestic viol ence and <br />self-esteem building support groups, and money management sessions. <br />• 50% of the women and children who stay at the shelter will depart with safe, stable housing. <br />By December 31, 2020, Building Futures will have accomplished: <br />• Provide 24-hour emergency housing to 50 - 75 homeless women and children (340 bed nights), three <br />meals a day, access to health care, parenting and recovery support groups, domestic violence and <br />self-esteem building support groups, and money management sessions. <br />• 50% of the women and children who stay at the shelter will depart with safe, stable housing. <br />By March 31, 2021, Building Futures will have accomplished: <br />• Provide 24-hour emergency housing to 75- 100 homeless women and children (508 bed nights), three <br />meals a day, access to health care, parenting and recovery support groups, domestic violence and <br />self-esteem building support groups, and money management sessions. <br />• 50% of the women and children who stay at the shelter will depart with safe, stable housing. <br />By June 30, 2021, Building Futures will have accomplished: <br />• Provide 24-hour emergency housing to 100-200 homeless women and children (676 bed nights), three <br />meals a day, access to health care, parenting and recovery support groups, domestic violence and <br />self-esteem building support groups, and money management sessions. <br />• 50% of the women and children who stay at the shelter will depart with safe, stable housing. <br /> <br /> <br />Mid-year and final invoices must include a progress report on outcomes of deliverables in order to <br />receive payment. <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: ABBA0D12-3018-47FC-B3E8-3974FD380B60