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Reso 2020-146 HUD second amdt Annual Action Plan
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2020-146 HUD second amdt Annual Action Plan
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Last modified
12/3/2020 10:56:49 AM
Creation date
12/3/2020 10:49:42 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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• AP-35 Protects <br />• AP-38 Project Summary <br />HUD's CDBG allocation to the City was announced on April 15, 2019. The FY 2019-2020 for CDBG funding <br />amount decreased just over 1% from last year's amount (from $714,909 to $707,517). The FY 2019-2020 <br />HOME funding amount decreased 9% from last year's pro -rated share from Alameda County HOME <br />consortium of $244,691 to a total allocation of $221,998. HOME funds are available for general <br />administration and affordable housing projects as part of the Alameda County HOME Consortium. <br />Staff analysis of the City's HUD funding shows that there is $364,991 unused prior year CDBG funds that <br />will be carried forward with recommended allocations in FY 2019-2020. These prior year funds consist <br />mainly of unused general program administration and public services funding from FY 2014-2015 and <br />prior years, FY 2015-2016, and FY 2017-2018. There was an unexpected repayment of $300,000 from a <br />2009 capital improvement loan received by the City in January 2018. Staff consulted with HUD and <br />received a HUD determination that these funds are not program income but rather a reimbursement <br />based on a defaulted loan agreement. Additionally, In FY 2018-2019 the City received $35,424 in <br />program income derived from the repayment of a CDBG rehabilitation loan that was made to a low- <br />income San Leandro homeowner in 1993. This loan was repaid upon the sale of the property by the <br />owner's estate. Therefore, the total available for CDBG allocation for FY 2019-2020 is $1,107,933. <br />2. Summarize the objectives and outcomes identified in the Plan <br />This could be a restatement of items or a table listed elsewhere in the plan or a reference to <br />another location. It may also contain any essential items from the housing and homeless needs <br />assessment, the housing market analysis or the strategic plan. <br />The City proposes to allocate its available CDBG funding in the following eligible categories: Public <br />Services, Public Facilities, Housing Activities, and General Admin. <br />For CDBG Public Services funding there is a HUD statutory cap of 15% of the total CDBG entitlement <br />grant plus prior year program income. In FY 18-19 the City received $35,424 in program income from <br />the repayment of a CDBG rehabilitation loan that was made in 1993. Therefore, there is a total of <br />$111,441 in funding available for Public Services grants in FY 19-20. <br />For Public Services the City proposes to fund priorities identified in it recent Human Services Gap <br />Analysis adopted by the City Council in October: homeless services and a shelter, family support services <br />for abused children and their families, and services for special needs population. The following four <br />agencies are recommended to receive CDBG FY 19-20 Public Services grants: CALICO $22,000; Davis <br />Street Family Resource Center $42,941; SOS/Meals on Wheels for San Leandro Seniors $29,000; and <br />Spectrum Community Services, Inc. $17,500. <br />Annual Action Plan <br />2019 <br />OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) <br />
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