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File Number: 20-527 <br />Specific Plan Area as one of the City’s most significant areas of potential change, and envisions <br />the area as a dynamic, walkable, transit-oriented area with a mix of uses; and <br />WHEREAS, the Specific Plan provides a vision for a sustainable, vibrant, and safe <br />transit-oriented village with a diversity of land uses serving local and regional populations; and <br />WHEREAS, the Specific Plan includes goals and policies related to land use, <br />transportation/traffic, infrastructure, and design to fulfill the vision for the Specific Plan Area, and <br />establishes uses and development standards for the Specific Plan Area; and <br />WHEREAS, the Specific Plan includes text and diagrams specifying the distribution, <br />location, and extent of the uses of land within the area covered by the plan, as well as the location, <br />and extent and intensity of major components of public and private transportation and other <br />essential facilities located within the Specific Plan Area; and <br />WHEREAS, the Specific Plan identifies standards and criteria by which development will <br />proceed; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council desires to update the San Leandro Zoning Code, by adding <br />Chapter 2.10, Bay Fair Transit-Oriented Development (B-TOD) District, to implement the Specific <br />Plan and more specifically identify the standards for development within the Specific Plan Area; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the proposed changes to the Zoning Code will enable the development of a <br />mixed-use urban village that supports housing, retail, office, entertainment, and civic uses with <br />safe pedestrian and bicycle connections to public transit, services and employers; and <br />WHEREAS, new residential and non-residential uses in the Specific Plan Area will be <br />required to provide certain minimum amounts of publicly accessible open space, as further <br />specified in the Specific Plan and Zoning Code Chapter 2.10; and <br />WHEREAS, parks, green space, plazas, and other public open space encourage pedestrian <br />activity, which is an important element of creating a sustainable, vibrant, and safe transit-oriented <br />village; and <br />WHEREAS, Land Use Policy 11 of the TOD Specific Plan is to allow a variety of public open <br />spaces, pedestrian oriented streetscapes, and gathering spaces to meet the needs of new and <br />existing residents, visitors, workers and businesses; and <br />WHEREAS, Chapter 5 of the Specific Plan contains standards and guidelines for both public <br />and private open space in the Specific Plan Area; and <br />WHEREAS, the City currently provides parks, recreational facilities, and open space to the <br />community, and both the General Plan and Specific Plan have stated goals and policies related <br />to the creation and maintenance of parks, recreational facilities, and open space; and <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/30/2020 <br />364