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File Number: 20-527 <br />WHEREAS, development of new residential and commercial projects encourages new <br />residents to move to the City, as well as new non-residents to come to the City for work, <br />shopping, and recreations. These new residents and visitors create increased demand for parks, <br />recreational facilities, and open space suitable for a variety of ages and uses; and <br />WHEREAS, this demand is not created solely by residents, but also by employees of, and <br />visitors to, commercial spaces, who use parks, recreational facilities, and open space before and <br />after work, during lunch and other breaks, and after visiting commercial establishments; and <br />WHEREAS, if publicly accessible parks, recreational facilities, and open space are not <br />provided in the Specific Plan Area, the demand created by new development in the Specific Plan <br />Area will be directed elsewhere, and will overburden such facilities in surrounding areas, increase <br />crowding, and decrease access; and <br />WHEREAS, the publicly accessible open space requirements are necessary to assist the <br />City in meeting its stated goals for parks, recreational facilities and open space in the General <br />Plan and Specific Plan and accommodate the demand for such open space created by the new <br />residential and non-residential development in the plan area; and <br />WHEREAS, a conservative and reasonable estimate of build-out associated with the <br />proposed Specific Plan through 2035 would include development of up to 2,540 housing units <br />and 300,000 square feet of office space, as well as the removal of an estimated 161,000 square <br />feet of retail space; and <br />WHEREAS, as population and densities within the Specific Plan Area increase, publicly <br />accessible open space becomes an essential neighborhood amenity and a counterbalance in the <br />built environment; and <br />WHEREAS, the publicly accessible open space requirements for residential and commercial <br />development adopted by the Specific Plan and Zoning Code Chapter 2.10 are roughly <br />proportionate to the demand for such open space created by new residential and commercial <br />development, and there is a reasonable relationship between the amount of the publicly <br />accessible open space requirement and the need for such open space; and <br />WHEREAS, the San Leandro Municipal Code currently requires certain types of <br />developments to dedicate park land or pay the Park Facilities Development Impact Fee, the <br />purpose of both of which is to create or finance the creation of park facilities to reduce the <br />impacts caused by new development; and <br />WHEREAS, publicly accessible open space required by the Specific Plan and Zoning Code <br />Chapter 2.10 will count toward the parkland dedication requirements of Municipal Code Chapter <br />7-1 and/or be a credit toward payment of the Park Facilities Development Impact Fee required by <br />Municipal Code Chapter 7-13; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend the Zoning Map to ensure consistency with the <br />General Plan and Specific Plan; and <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/30/2020 <br />365