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2. Having considered the Addendum, the administrative record, the EIR and all written <br />and oral evidence presented to the City Council, the City Council finds that all <br />environmental impacts of the Project were addressed within the EIR and the <br />Addendum. The City Council finds that no new or additional mitigation measures or <br />alternatives are required. The City Council further finds that there is no substantial <br />evidence in the administrative record supporting a fair argument that the Project may <br />result in any significant environmental impacts beyond those analyzed in the EIR. The <br />City Council finds that the Addendttrn contains a complete, ol?lective, and accurate <br />reporting of the environmental impacts associated with the Project and reflects the <br />independent judgment and analysis of the City Council. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: Tile City Council hereby adopts the <br />following: <br />1. Amendments to the Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan. as shown in the attached Exhibit A <br />and incorporated herein by reference; and <br />2. General Plan 2035 Text Amendments and the General Plan Map Amendment, as <br />shown in attached Exhibit B and Exhibit C and incorporated herein by reference. <br />BE 1T FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: The decision of the City Council is based on <br />the folio\ ing findings and considering the staff report and the whole of the record: <br />I . file proposed Project establishes appropriate goals, policies. and programs to address <br />land use., transportation, housing_ economic development, parks, safety, noise, historic <br />preservation. urban design. and community services and facilities. <br />2. Tile proposed Project will not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, or <br />welfare of the City. <br />3. The proposed Project is internally consistent, and is consistent �� ith the City's <br />General Plan, as amended. <br />4. The General Plan and Bay hair TOD Specific Plan, as amended conforrn "'with the <br />relevant and applicable provisions of the California Government Code for specific <br />plans in that it systematically implements the General Plan for the Specific Plan <br />Area_ and adequately addresses all of the statutorily required components and <br />content. <br />Introduced by Councihnember Hernandez and passed and adopted this 7"' day of <br />December 2020_ by the following vote: <br />Members of the C0L111 ] 1: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Ballew•, Cox, Hernandez,, Lopez, Mayor Cutter (6) <br />NOES: COUncillnember A-uilar t l } <br />ABSENT: None <br />ATTEST: A <br />L K-ci LIN <br />ligue _ 'ity C T6, <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2020-149 5 <br />