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July 7, 2020Finance Committee Minutes <br />The six potential solutions discussed are as follows: <br />1. Defer Marina Boat Harbor Decommissioning <br />2. Defer Trash Capture <br />3. Defer Competition Pool <br />4. Defer Improvements to Casa Peralta <br />5. Reduce Road Funding <br />6. Alvarado Park Development Fee Swap <br />The City Council will be asked to approve any proposed changes to the CIP budget. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS3. <br />There was approximately one (1) public speaker. <br />Comments were provided by Douglas Spalding. <br />COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS4. <br />Comments and questions were provided by Mayor Cutter, Councilmember Hernandez, <br />and Councilmember Lee. Recommendations were made as follows: <br />Deferring the Competition Pool is not recommended, as the opportunity may not come <br />up again in the future. It is also a potential resource for community use, mental <br />health/human services, well-being. <br />Deferring the third and final phase of “Trash Capture” is not recommended if the <br />compliance date is not delayed. <br />Deferring Casa Peralta seems preferable. More information is requested (move <br />forward with “bare minimum” improvements, look at cost/benefit of improvements, look <br />at opportunities for fundraising or grants). <br />Reducing road funding is not preferable, as road repair is a currently a high priority. <br />Consider “road or street diets”, repurpose roads as part of development for community <br />use: pedestrians and bicycles only - no cars. <br />Deferring Alvarado Park Development seems reasonable for now, as facilities are still <br />being utilized by Alameda County and the City of Hayward. <br />For “Defer Marina Decommissioning”: <br />- The appropriate verbiage should be used (e.g., demolition of obsolete infrastructure <br />versus decommissioning) <br />- How will this affect existing revenue? <br />- Should the City consider the Marina as a viable revenue generator for the future? <br />ADJOURN5. <br />The meeting was adjourned at 5:26 p.m. <br />Page 2City of San Leandro <br />80