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File Number: 20-611 <br />consultant included CIP management equivalent to the level of services expected of an associate <br />engineer, including consultant project design oversight, construction management and project <br />closeout. The consultant’s work is focused on Measure B/BB funded street rehabilitation related <br />projects. <br />Analysis <br />Previously, the City unsuccessfully attempted to hire a contract engineer to help with the workload <br />that the Engineering and Transportation Department was experiencing. Based on a response to <br />a City request for proposals for consultant support services, the City hired Lee & Ro, Inc. to <br />ensure that projects are delivered in a timely and efficient manner. Lee & Ro, Inc. has performed <br />admirably on the existing contract and approving this CSA amendment will ensure that the <br />projects currently in various stages of completion will be delivered on time without lapses that <br />would result if City were to solicit for a new contract. <br />The current street rehabilitation workload is estimated to require up to 1,200 hours of project <br />management. Staff determined that extending the existing contract for this work is the most <br />efficient way to supplement current staff capacity, and to ensure timely delivery of the CIPs. This <br />amendment will extend the existing term by five months and will be funded with Measure B/BB <br />funds. Staff recommends that the City Council approve CSA Amendment No. 1 with Lee & Ro for <br />a not-to-exceed amount of $216,620, resulting in a total contract amount of $531,464, and to <br />extend the term of the contract to December 31, 2021. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Place San Leandro on a firm foundation for long-term fiscal sustainability <br />·Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure <br />Previous Actions <br />·On July 15, 2019, by Resolution No. 2019-127, the City Council authorized the City <br />Manager to execute a consulting services agreement with Lee & Ro to provide staff <br />augmentation services in the amount of $314,844 . <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />T 5.3 Maintenance. Regularly maintain City streets and traffic control devices to ensure that <br />streets operate safely and efficiently. The City will strive for an overall Pavement Condition Index <br />of 76, which is the lower limit of industry best practices. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The total cost of this consulting services agreement is $531,464 as detailed below: <br />Original Consulting Services Amount $314,844 <br />CSA Amendment No. 1 Costs $216,620 <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 1/14/2021 <br />109