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File Number: 21-040 <br />purchasing policy. HGACBuy is a nationwide, government procurement service striving to make <br />the governmental procurement process more efficient. Units of local government, including <br />non-profits providing governmental services, are eligible to become participating members of the <br />HGACBuy Cooperative. All contracts available to participating members of HGACBuy have <br />been awarded through a public competitive procurement process compliant with state statutes. <br />The proposal for the replacement fire truck is attached hereto. The price for the Type 5 Wildland <br />Pumper Fire Truck is not to exceed $238,318.07, which includes costs for inspection, delivery, <br />and sales tax. Additional costs of approximately $62,000 are expected for tool purchase and <br />equipment mounting, and the work will be performed by the ACFD. If approved by the City <br />Council, the fire truck will be purchased through Golden State Fire Apparatus, Inc. The <br />specifications for the equipment were developed by ACFD and meet all safety and environmental <br />requirements of the City. <br />The truck that would be acquired through a piggyback purchase on the ACFD's bid and contract <br />meets the City's equipment requirements and is consistent with equipment currently in use. For <br />these reasons, staff recommends that the City acquire a new fire truck utilizing ACFD's bid. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The total cost including inspection, delivery, sales tax, tool purchase and equipment mounting is <br />approximately $301,000. <br />Budget Authority <br />Acquisition costs are included in the City’s 2020-21 Adopted Budget, account number <br />010-23-002-7410. <br />PREPARED BY: Susan Hsieh, Finance Director <br />ATTACHMENT <br />Fire Truck Proposal <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 1/27/2021 <br />118