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10A Action 2021 0216
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Packet 2021 0216
10A Action 2021 0216
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 21-098 <br />absolutely necessary and as defined by AB 392, recognizes that on April 18, 2020 Steven Taylor was <br />fatally shot by a member of the San Leandro Police Department (who is now retired from the San <br />Leandro Police Department) and recognizes all human life is sacred. <br />NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO CITY COUNCIL RESOLVES as follows: <br />That the City of San Leandro recognizes the criticality of AB 392, the sanctity of every human <br />life, and that according to the Alameda County District Attorney’s Announcement Filing of Voluntary <br />Manslaughter Charges Against San Leandro Officer, from the time the officer entered the store to the <br />time Mr. Taylor was fatally shot less than 40 seconds elapsed, and Steven Taylor had a history of <br />suffering mental health crises in San Leandro before his death and that mental health aid or services <br />could have helped him and/or could have helped to de-escalate the April 18, 2020 fatal shooting, such <br />that the City Council proclaims that such mental health aid shall be provided in accordance with best <br />practices and policies in future calls for service; and <br />That the City of San Leandro continue to recognize the sanctity of every human life and support <br />policies for de-escalation tactics and verbal persuasion to save the lives of all persons, including people <br />of color because of disproportionate impacts of enforcement, during future critical incidents, and that <br />police use of deadly force shall only be used when absolutely necessary as defined by AB 392; and <br />That the City of San Leandro City Council recognizes April 18 as a day to honor the Sanctity of <br />Steven Taylor’s Life and other lives lost to violence, including people of color, within the City of San <br />Leandro, the San Francisco Bay Area, the Sacramento Area and our country, including Anthony <br />Gomez, Miles Hall, Oscar Grant, Stephon Clark, George Floyd, Patrick Warren Sr., Trayvon Martin, <br />Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor, amongst others; and <br />That the City of San Leandro has authority over all municipal affairs, and may declare support <br />for this resolution; and <br />IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED: <br />That the City of San Leandro does not tolerate the use of deadly force by a police officer unless <br />absolutely necessary and as defined by AB 392 now and in the future to ensure safety as well as civil <br />and human rights for all of San Leandro’s diverse community; and <br />That the City of San Leandro City Council directs the San Leandro City Manager to publicize this <br />resolution, PROCLAIMING APRIL 18 AS A DAY RECOGNIZING Steven TAylor and the SANCTITY <br />OF Every Human LIfe, Including People OF COLOR, along with Resolution No. 2020-177 of the City <br />of San Leandro City Council Condemning White Supremacy and White Supremacist Hate Groups, <br />Declaring Support for Designating the Ku Klux Klan as a Domestic Terrorist Organization, and <br />Reaffirming the City’s Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion, on the City of San Leandro website <br />clearly visible from the initial opening of the home page, and to share it with San Leandro’s <br />Congressional, State, and fellow local representatives. <br />Introduced by Councilmember Simon and passed and adopted this 16th day of February 2021, <br />by the following vote: <br />Members of the Council: <br />AYES:( ) <br />NOES:( ) <br />ABSENT:(0) <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/11/2021 <br />295
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